[BLOG] Some Monday links

Nov 10, 2014 15:32

  • blogTO suggests five things the world can learn about Toronto.
  • The Dragon's Tales notes that the moa of New Zealand became extinct when the country was home to only a couple thousand people.
  • A Fistful of Euros links to satirist musician Wolf Biermann's performance in the Bundestag.
  • Geocurrents maps oddly-shaped American electoral regions.
  • Language Hat notes the long history of a Chinese-influenced literary language in Korea.
  • Lawyers, Guns and Money notes that North Korea is exporting labourers to Qatar to work on World Cup facilities there.
  • Marginal Revolution suggests that the Russian invasion of Ukraine might be explained by fear of political contagion.
  • The Planetary Society Blog looks at the search for binary asteroids.
  • Understanding Society considers the complicated relationship between modern sociologists and the great luminary pioneers of the field.
  • Window on Eurasia suggests that Kazakhstan is not ready for the eastern Ukrainian scenario.
  • The Financial Times' World blog notes pseudohistory regarding ancient achievements of Hindus.

maps, germany, democracy, kazakhstan, middle east, ukraine, links, clash of ideologies, popular music, korea, north korea, chinese language, conspiracies, asteroids, evolution, sociology, new zealand, video, globalization, space science, united states, ethnic conflict, toronto, central asia, south asia, social sciences, former soviet union, birds, hinduism, india, history, russia, blogs

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