[BLOG] Some Monday links

Nov 03, 2014 21:04

  • Anthropology.net notes the importance of anthropological knowledge in understanding the West African Ebola crisis.
  • Centauri Dreams looks at the strange protoplanetary belt of GG Tauri-A.
  • Discover's Crux considers requirements for a starfaring civilization.
  • The Dragon's Gaze points to an apparently young and planet-forming binary star, OGLE-LMC-ECL-11893.
  • The Dragon's Tales notes that China and Russia have blocked the formation of an Antarctic marine reserve, notes the ways in which diverse sciences can be used to understand the pre-Columbian Amazon, and notes a simulation of Titan's ancient climate.
  • Eastern Approahces looks at the Ukraine-Russia gas deal.
  • Geocurrents examines regional divides in Brazil on the basis of the 2014 presidential election vote.
  • Joe. My. God. notes that PReP can prevent HIV infection even on short notice, and observes that the coming out of Apple CEO Tim Cook has been followed by a Russian parliamentarian's proposal to ban Apple and the taking down of a monument to Steve Jobs.
  • Language Hat links to a beautiful family tree illustration of Europe's languages.
  • Language Log notes complex translation issues between Cantonese and Mandarin in Chow Yun Fat's position on Hong Kong.
  • Lawyers, Guns and Money does not like Frank Gehry.
  • Marginal Revolution notes a quixotic movement in the Italian island of Sardinia to be annexed by Switzerland.
  • Peter Watts of No Fucking Icons dislikes the political uses of terrorism by the Canadian government.
  • The Planetary Society Blog notes a design for a drill that could drill deeply into the surfaces of different moons and notes the return of Chinese test moon vehicle Chang'e 5's probe.
  • Savage Minds notes an interesting comparative study of Seoul and Baltimore.
  • Spacing Toronto looks at the recovery of Toronto's lost Tomlins Creek.
  • Torontoist discusses the importance of finding a new police chief for Toronto.
  • Towleroad examines reasons
  • Window on Eurasia notes the need to sustain the survivors of the Aral Sea, and observes the new isolation of Kaliningrad.
  • Zero Geography links to a paper examining the spread of telecommunications networks in East Africa now with the spread of modern transport a century earlier.

maps, disasters, china, environment, kazakhstan, africa, ukraine, hiv/aids, links, health, clash of ideologies, astronomy, liberia, language, brazil, titan, antarctica, chinese language, space travel, regionalism, moon, west africa, italy, sociology, terrorism, anthropology, medicine, space science, separatism, united states, puerto rico, marriage rights, oil, canada, toronto, uzbekistan, switzerland, central asia, economics, hong kong, social sciences, former soviet union, kaliningrad, space colonization, politics, history, russia, blogs

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