The Big Picture shares pictures of the devastating flooding in the Balkans.
Crooked Timber discusses the ethics of immigration, with particular emphasis on the United Kingdom.
The Dragon's Gaze notes the discovery of a Neptune-mass planet orbiting nearby brown dwarf Gliese 687.
The Dragon's Tales notes that increased soot and rising temperatures have been responsible for the shrinkage of the Greenland ice cap since the late 19th century.
Far Outliers notes that hundreds of British prisoners of war taken in Singapore were used as forced labourers in the Solomon Islands.
A Fistful of Euros' Edward Hugh notes the pressures on the Eurozone for changing policies.
Geocurrents' Martin Lewis notes the recent election in India shows the BJP dominating most of India save for the southeast where regionalist parties reign.
Peter Rukavina shares a map of his movements around Charlottetown, tracked by social media apps.
Steve Munro uses traffic data to suggest that the new articulated buses haven't improved things on the Bathurst Street route.
Torontoist reacts to the recent arrest of a driver of Rob Ford's Escalade.
Transit Toronto examines the various TTC-related locations open for Doors Open this year, including a new streetcar.
Window on Eurasia notes that some Tatars in the adjoining republic of Bashkortostan want their territory to secede to Tatarstan.