[BLOG] Some Thursday links

May 22, 2014 13:21

  • The Big Picture shares pictures of the devastating flooding in the Balkans.
  • Crooked Timber discusses the ethics of immigration, with particular emphasis on the United Kingdom.
  • The Dragon's Gaze notes the discovery of a Neptune-mass planet orbiting nearby brown dwarf Gliese 687.
  • The Dragon's Tales notes that increased soot and rising temperatures have been responsible for the shrinkage of the Greenland ice cap since the late 19th century.
  • Far Outliers notes that hundreds of British prisoners of war taken in Singapore were used as forced labourers in the Solomon Islands.
  • A Fistful of Euros' Edward Hugh notes the pressures on the Eurozone for changing policies.
  • Geocurrents' Martin Lewis notes the recent election in India shows the BJP dominating most of India save for the southeast where regionalist parties reign.
  • Peter Rukavina shares a map of his movements around Charlottetown, tracked by social media apps.
  • Steve Munro uses traffic data to suggest that the new articulated buses haven't improved things on the Bathurst Street route.
  • Torontoist reacts to the recent arrest of a driver of Rob Ford's Escalade.
  • Transit Toronto examines the various TTC-related locations open for Doors Open this year, including a new streetcar.
  • Window on Eurasia notes that some Tatars in the adjoining republic of Bashkortostan want their territory to secede to Tatarstan.
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