[NEWS] Some Friday links

Feb 14, 2014 14:27

  • National Geographic notes the cultural and political revival of the Nubians, an ethnic minority originally from far southern Egypt displaced by the flooding caused by the Nasser Dam.
  • thenews.pl claims that a half-million Poles emigrated last year, most to the United Kingdom and Germany.
  • The Havana Times wonders why, after the reforms of recent years, so many Cubans want to leave. (I think that the wonder is tongue-in-cheek.)
  • thejournal.ie notes that, for all its woes, Ireland is a desirable destination for young Venezuelans.
  • NASA's press release on the Ganymede survey is great.
  • Al-Jazeera notes that many male Syrian refugees in Lebanon are turning to prostitution to make ends meet.
  • The BBC notes that dredging won't necessarily do anything to stop severe flooding in the United Kingdom.
  • The Global Post provides background into Nigeria's impending ascent to largest economy in Africa, based on everything from better measurement in Nigeria to South African stagnation.
  • The Wall Street Journal's Emerging Europe blog traces much Ukrainian anger to its underperformance economically since 1991, relative to Poland and Russia and the Baltic States.
  • The South China Morning Post contrasts and compares income in Singapore and Hong Kong, arguing Singaporean figures are inflated by foreign investment.

disasters, china, germany, environment, africa, middle east, ganymede, ukraine, singapore, links, egypt, astronomy, south africa, nigeria, sexuality, lebanon, syria, jupiter, poland, space science, united kingdom, economics, hong kong, european union, former soviet union, cuba, glbt issues, venezuela, migration, russia, baltic states, ireland

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