Acts of Minor Treason's Andrew Barton features a photo of an astonishingly long lineup of buses in Ottawa. I thought Dufferin Street could be bad! reports on a huge find of ancient hominin remains in South Africa.
Bad Astronomy's Phil Plait reports on the new supernova in M82.
Beyond the Beyond links to an approving review of a book on Internet art.
The Big Picture has an extended photoessay of the Circassian minority in Sochi, remnant of mid-19th century ethnic cleansing.
Centauri Dreams examines the study of the circumstellar disk of HD 142527, a distant star that apparently has a protoplanetary belt out 160 AU, far further than the Kuiper belt or any theory of planetary formation.
The Language Log takes a look at the use of the word "iguana" to denote a shady character, tracing it to Florida and Charlie Crist.
Lawyers, Guns and Money looks at the migration forced by free-trade agreements.
Marginal Revolution reports that, to stave off a financial crisis, Argentina has begun limiting online shopping.
The Planetary Society's Emily Lakdawalla has more on the M82 supernova.
Supernova Condensate examines the ocean planet and the trope's use in science fiction. If anything, it may be underused!
At Torontoist, John Barber despairs of a debate on transit in the upcoming Toronto mayoral election.
Window on Eurasia suggests Russian neo-Nazi violence is becoming focused more against Central Asians than Caucasians.