[BLOG] Some Thursday links

Jun 20, 2013 15:46

  • Crooked Timber considers the BMI.
  • Daniel Drezner wonders if Barack Obama's apparent lack of intimate relationships with other world leaders might be a problem.
  • The Dragon's Tales notes that the symbiosis that started off photosynthesis took off only 900 million years ago.
  • Eastern Approaches notes the terribly high death toll on Polish roads.
  • A Fistful of Euros' Edward Hugh examines the Greek economy. Grexit might be possible.
  • At Lawyers, Guns and Money, Erik Loomis celebrates the 150th anniversary of the state of West Virginia.
  • Marginal Revolution woners if, in the aftermath of the ERT television fiasco, Greece might be about to snap.
  • A Registan essay suggests Central Asia may still be important if only because the Chinese are interested in it.
  • Savage Minds considers the problems of anthropology. Why aren't anthropologists trying to make their field more relevant? The answers aren't flattering.
  • Towleroad covers ex-gay movement Exodus' dissolution and an apology by its leader. That's something, surely, but is it enough?
  • Window on Eurasia notes that a lack of trust in Russian society might explain popular sympathies towards authoritarianism and xenophobia.

china, anthropology, eurozone, poland, democracy, earth, medicine, united states, religion, links, clash of ideologies, central asia, federalism, economics, biology, social sciences, european union, former soviet union, history, geopolitics, television, glbt issues, blogs, russia, greece

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