[BLOG] Some Tuesday links

Jun 04, 2013 12:00

  • Bag News Notes' Michael Shaw takes a look at the pictures indicating extensive use of tear gas against protesters in Istanbul.
  • In a guest post at Centauri Dreams, Larry Klaes takes a look at a 2011 anthology of papers examining the dynamics of spacefaring societies (ours and others'), Civilizations Beyond Earth: Extraterrestrial Life and Society.
  • Crooked Timber's Chris Bertram, visiting Brazil's preplanned capital of Brasilia, starts a discussion about planned cities.
  • Eastern Approaches notes the breakdown of the current coalition government in the Czech Republic.
  • Geocurrents examines two Stalin Second World War-era ethnic cleansings, the first of the Volga Germans (now largely resettled in Germany) and the second of the Crimean Tatars (now largely returned to their Crimean homeland within Ukraine).
  • Normblog's Norman Geras wonders why many elements of Communist culture remain cool, despite its linkages with oppression.
  • The Power and the Money's Noel Maurer takes a look at mass transit in Colombia's capital of Bogotá, noting that the current light rail system isn't the best imaginable but is the best possible given the politics.
  • Gideon Rachman notes the politics of green space, including parks, as exemplified by the Istanbul protests.
  • Technosociology's Zeynep Tufekci argues that online-driven protests do all fit a certain style.

second world war, turkey, germany, democracy, space science, crimean tatars, mass transit, diasporas, popular culture, photography, ukraine, parks, cities, links, colombia, futurology, communism, former soviet union, space colonization, brazil, czech republic, politics, blogs, russia, extraterrestrial intelligence, social networking, photos, ethnic cleansing

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