[BLOG] Some Margaret Thatcher links

Apr 08, 2013 20:20

One CBC article on the top of my RSS feed was titled "Margaret Thatcher's death evokes polarized reaction". (It's a very good collection of reactions by various figures from around the world.) I saw that today on Facebook, as well as in the blogosphere.

  • At Bag News Notes, Michael Shaw notes the success of Margaret Thatcher in subverting traditional depictions of femininity, like those of the mother or the shopper.
  • Crooked Timber's Harry Farrell shares an anecdote of Margaret Thatcher comforting a dying Labour politician, one Eric Heffer.
  • Crooked Timber's Corey Robin, meanwhile, discusses Thatcher's views on economic and social organization from a critical left-wing perspective.
  • Daniel Drezner writes about Margaret Thatcher's role in international relations theory, particularly in providing a paradigmatic example of the diversionary war and in promoting modern globalized capitalism.
  • Joe. My. God. notes Thatcher's strong voiced support in 1987 for her support for a government policy--codified as Section 28--that prohibited schools from discussing homosexuality.
  • Joe. My. God. also notes the celebratory street parties that have sprung up across the United Kingdom.
  • Marginal Revolution's Tyler Cowen opens a discussion thread on Thatcher.
  • Towleroad notes that although Thatcher was one of the few Conservative MPs to vote for the decriminalization of homosexuality in the 1960s, her record in office as prime minister (as mentioned above) wasn't very good, Section 28 standing out.

economics, holidays, feminism, in memoriam, politics, popular culture, glbt issues, blogs, links

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