[META] Blogroll Expansion

Feb 26, 2011 10:06

Five new blogs!

  • New Zealand blog BlueJacket 1862 is an interesting links blog, with commentary on all manner of things. This post looking at how jockeying over Israeli-Lebanese maritime boundaries near offshore natural gas deposits is contributing (politically, of course) to electricity shortages.
  • Tom's to thank for pointing me to Michael in Norfolk: Coming Out in Mid Life, a blog by a Virginian gay man with the title-stated biography concerned with GLBT issues, American politics, and non-bloggish stuff. He shared the news that Christopher Lee, an American senator who resigned just the other week for his Craigslist flirtations with a woman night his wife, may have resigned to avoid getting caught for trying to pick up transgendered women.
  • The Ukrainian-language pollotenchegg is a great blog concerned with showing--in maps!--Ukrainian demographic trends. This most recent one, showing natural increase in Ukraine--relatively strong in parts of the west, not nearly so much in the east, particularly the northeast, is characteristic.
  • The biology blog Progressive Download, by one John Farrell at the Forbes blog site, is sparse but interesting. This
    on human genetic knowledge is noteworthy.
  • Finally, I can't say enough good things about the blog Technosociology, a blog by Zeynep Tufekci concerned with examining the interactions between Internet networks and physical social networks. Her most recent post about the inevitability of leadership's emergence in even the most decentralized groups is worth reading.

  • Go, read.

    maps, human beings, internet, united states, oil, ukraine, links, meta, economics, israel, biology, social sciences, demographics, politics, glbt issues, evolution, blogroll, lebanon, social networking

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