1984 single "Julia" didn't achieve the success that it deserved, never even breaking the top forty in Britain. The fact that Julia was track #6 off of the group's fourth album, the relatively uncommercial and somewhat controversial soundtrack
1984 (For the Love of Big Brother), might have had something to do with it, though the international success of
"Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four)" argues agaisnt this. "Julia" failed in the charts because it wasn't a flashy song, Annie Lennox's quiet vocoder-processed vocals dominating the quiet instrumentals.
When winter leaves her branches bare
And icy breezes chill the air
The freezing snow lies everywhere
My darling
Will we still be there?
I've been told that the soundtrack album really doesn't work with the movie. A pity; Eurythmics strikes me as the perfect group to write songs about alienation in mass society. In the meantime, enjoy the video.