Apr 15, 2007 04:14
What is it with me and falling for women who are in relationships? Something like three of the last 5, plus or minus, in whom I've admitted interest (at least to myself) have bf's. I dunno what the typical rate of coupling at princeton is, but I don't think it's as high as 60%.
I suppose there's the argument to be made that attractive people are likely to have already attracted someone. And maybe people in relationships have some easiness about them that single people don't that's nevertheless attractive.
Maybe I'm way off the beam here, but if you were going to kiss someone, even for a scene, would you not want to inform them of any relationships you might be in? I'm assuming Kisses! cleared it with her bf first, but I think I'd at least hint (and maybe she did, but a) boys are dumb, and b) I'm especially bad at picking up hints) that you're attached.
I think the thing to do is just to treat all women of unknown attachment as in a relationship, and take the opportunity as quickly as reasonable to mention her boyfriend. If she has one, she'll just answer the question, and move on. If not, well, then she'll (I'd guess) be flattered by the suggestion, and inform me otherwise. I've had this technique applied to me, I think, and I'd say it was fairly effective. Hell, maybe too effective, but the scenario worked out well enough in the end, probably better than if I'd just got what I'd thought I wanted.