i usually don't like these.. but i found this rather interesting..
and i would have to say yes.. i feel poetry is largely lost on people now a days.. not that i feel I'M some crazy deep person or anything.. just a general observation.
while i can't say i've ever been a big... enthusiast.. i do appreciate a good poem when i run into one..
if you still
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But poetry is still out there its just harder to find. Two weekends ago Waterloo Village held its annual Doge Poetry Festival with readings and classes by many different poets. I've seen many well known poets come and speak at my college, I'm actually going next Wednesday to see a poetry reading.
I love Allen Ginsberg I wrote a paper on him for my modern poetry class and then expanded upon said paper for my Senior Lit Sem. Then to take it one step further I wrote my Senior Honors paper about Ginsberg, Kerouac, Burroughs, and Ferlinghetti. Both Ginsberg and Ferlinghetti are my top poets. But I also enjoy W.S. Merwin, Seamus Heaney, and Mary Oliver among many others.
If you ever want to talk about lit you should totally call me since none of my friends are really into it, and never want to hear me talk about it.
hope this wasn't too long of a response.
i agree poetry is still out there.. but yeah.. it's really headed underground.. and while there are obviously some good contemporary poets.. i feel that the real lasting power of their work doesn't reach most people
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