Jan 20, 2013 01:54
Children and dogs are fine. Biggest problem this week was the college student overscheduling herself. She went on a trip with her friends and didn't get back until 3 AM. But she had also scheduled herself to record a diving competition at 7 AM. Needless to say, she had the character-building learning experience of sleeping through her alarm and having to explain herself at work. At least she did it at a work-study job where they half didn't expect her to show up at all (since school will technically be on break for another week). She was appropriately contrite and showed up to finish the day.
On the other hand, my mother failed her tests, and now has to wait and see how bad the malignant lumps are. They are taking her in to put in a guide wire so the surgeon can find the lump in her arm. All these high -tech scans, and we still need to use guide wires to find tumors. Well, she'll go in on the 30th to have that procedure, and then they'll let us know if she can be treated at a local hospital or if she needs to go see the dowtown doctors to try something exotic. It's been over a decade since she came through the last round of therapies - I was thinking we didn't need to worry. I don't need to worry. I'm not sick. My worry doesn't help her at all. I need to stay calm and focused. Argh. At least we live with her now and not an hour away. And I can work wherever there is an internet signal, which is handy for when I need to do chauffeur duty. And my girls are close by, and the rest of the family is ready to help. It will be find. I just need to keep my head together.