Apr 07, 2007 14:51
I got to thinking about “Adulthood” after reading a post. I’m an adult by law in that I can be held accountable for things I do in a court of law. I see “adult” as what I make of it. It doesn’t have to be something bad.
“Adult world”... kinda sounds like a porn store :P (sorry Shadow) Anyway... adult, I've technically been one of them for... geez, five years now. I don't really feel it, only when I'm in surgery do I feel like I'm responsible and that's only because I'm entrusted with the life of an animal. Its then, that my childish ways disappear since the consequences affect more than just me. If/when I get to Med school will I feel a little more like an adult because of all the studying I'll have to do.
I don’t think I’ll ever really be a “mature” individual. I’ll have my moments like I do now where I’m serious and what not. But I don’t ever see me not being able to play with just an air filled balloon for hours. When I get out of college I think I’ll be mature enough for a puppy. I can’t wait… a German Shepard that I can call brother.
I find it funny that the people I’m in class with find it odd that I’m pre-vet. I usually get the “You don’t sacrifice the animal?” look. Yes, the metal loving, black wearing, pierced, goateed, guy that says “PUPPY!!” to any dog I see, regardless of size, is evil. I think it even surprises my professors. I remember one of the last parties I went to… I was wearing all black, walking in, saw a kitten, and immediately walked over, sat down, and started petting it. It later fell asleep on my lap ^^ so cute…
Chances are that I’m going to be one of the oddest veterinarians around. I’d be sitting around in my jeans and t-shirts, but have on a lab coat playing video games when someone comes in… I doubt I’ll take my piercings out as well.
Dreams… the more time I go with out them the more alien they become. In the last year I would guess that I’ve remembered maybe 3… last night being on of them. And when I have dreams… there never about anything that I would think about. If I’m going to have 5 dreams a year I want them to be worth it. People I know have several dreams a night... and I’m so jealous. I’ll even take the nightmares….