
Dec 31, 2037 00:00

This entry is just to test something. If any of you noticed this entry, this is an entry to test a theory on why I can't post in any earlier year. Apparently the integer variable assigned to the time and date on many computers is going to run of values by a certain day in 2038, as it's been counting seconds up from 1970. (For some reason I can't figure out, though, they used a signed integer... Because modern computers need to be able to think they're in the 1930's or before?). So if LJ uses the same clock system (as my inabillity to post before 1970 would suggest, although the fact that I couldn't post before 1970 further demonstrates the inanity of a signed integer variable for date/time), then I shouldn't be able to post beyond Jan. 19, 03:14:07, 2038. Well, here it goes...
c. m. edge
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