So you may, or may not know that I've decided that in my time off between jobs I'm going to get a motorbike license. It's something that's been churning in the back of my mind for a while now and as I have the time (and money - it aint cheap) I thought I would go for it.
First step. Pass the theory test. My initial thought was .. but I have a full (car) license why do I need to do it again, but it turns out there are a few bike specific questions (that I mostly don't know the answer to). Well I've done loads of
practice tests and I bought the Hazard Perception DVD as in truth that was the bit that I was worried about.
It turns out that it was 15 quid well spent as I really needed the practice. It wasn't that I wasn't seeing the hazards (because I was) but I needed to practice how to show the test that I had seen them. I did a load, and was somewhat nervous as sometimes it'd register a really low score even when I was sure I had told it about the hazard.
This lunchtime I headed down to
Aldershot to do the test. I got there early (SURPRISE!) and was forced to hang around whilst they were out at lunch. Anyway, sat down in the booth and went through the questions (So what exactly do you need to do before fitting a sidecar to your bike?) and then the Hazard Perception part of the test.
I got 48/50 for the theory (pass is 43) and 67/75 for the Hazard Perception (pass is 44) so I passed easily. Which is just as well.
I'm in somewhat of two minds about the HP part of the test. I can see that it's a good idea, and the way that I got 67 shows that my experience meant that I easily saw all the hazards in good time. But towards the end I was able to guess where the hazard would occur because after a while all the clips look similar. I guess for those that have limited training it's a good way to reinforce the notion that hazards mostly come with people being stupid rather than emergencies. Also, I'm still not sure having an automated system is the best course of action.
Next step: the CBT and real test. It starts in 10 days! :)
Also: Getting mildy fed up of everyone saying that I'm going to die just because I'm thinking of getting a bike. I'm aware that there is a higher risk of death whilst riding, but it's a choice that I've decided I can make. I can just imagine a Henry Rollins rant about it (and I do this to keep me sane when someone is going on about how every bike rider they've ever known wrapped themselves around a lampost, car, sheep, donkey, tree, whatever)
Henry Rollins - Well worth listening to. Text doesen't give you the real flavour ...