Apr 25, 2002 15:23
well alot of shite has happened over the past week. good and bad. we had first band practice on monday, we all decided on Requiem for a band name (stole blatently from the Corey Taylor song on strait up), when I found out it meant a song for the dead i thought it was pretty cool name. basically we spent the two hours doing roots bloody roots. Rich was basically a twat and didn't bother to learn the song and didn't seem bothered about it at all, so bascally theres no need for him in the band and were now looking for a new guitarist.
after about 1.30 of sorting the song out we cracked it pretty well, Steve's amazing on drums and i was pleased with my guitar work (for once). well next monday were practicing 'Bloodline' by Slayer and 'Jaworski' by Will Haven, im having a bit of trouble with bloodlines though, and the solos even worse. ah well im glad things are going cool with the band. apart from that i've not done much really. next comes the bad news.
my fucking neighbours got the council to come round about the "noise pollution" which is total fucking hypocritical shite. if it was music they liked none of this shit would happen. its also my guitar, so if it doesn't stop my amps being taken off me, its a fucking 15 watt amp how can it be fucking loud. im going to rent a big fuck off 500 watt one for a day and just play it all day as loud as possible, that'll fuck them off. wankers.
anyway im hungry as shit, fried egg time. later...