A continent a week

Sep 26, 2016 06:32

Here, have some pictures from the UK and UAE:

Dawn runs in Hyde Park are the best thing about jet lag.

Though the swans are pretty cool too.

In Brixton, my old home.

The inspiration for Ballard's High-Rise.

They finally finished the King's Cross renovation, and it looks great.

View from our hosts' Abu Dhabi balcony.

This is apparently how I look to three-year-olds.

The beach was bilingual -- English and Russian.

Etihad Towers, through which Vin Diesel jumped that hypercar in Furious 7.

The taste of home. Sort of.

The emir's palace is quite palatial.

Bit of a cult of personality going on.

Jumeirah, a suburb of Dubai which was basically just sand when I was last there twelve years ago.

If there's a more cyberpunk suburb anywhere, I'm sure I don't know what it is.

Probably my best shot of the trip.

They don't call it the Empty Quarter for nothing.

Desert mountains.

Goin' out divin', and we're ... gonna see tu-u-u-urtles...

Hazy day.

The Gulf of Oman has lovely beaches.

A rather magnificent mosque.

Now back, and jet-lagged, obv. Full set here.
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