Sep 24, 2006 23:23
yeah so I think I may not like my roommate at all
but anyways this weekend was good b/c Kevin came to visit me but at the same time it's rather depressing for me b/c he had to leave so soon. oh but he surprised me...reaally scared me b/c he wasn't suppose to come until 10pm and I figured he'd get lost and come around 11 or so and then at 8 someone knocks on my door and there he was and I was right in the middle of doing my hw and wasn't expecting it at was weird b/c my first initial reaction was 'I'm not ready for you get away from me'...I was so in shock and not used to being around him and of course he looked different b/c I forgot how tall he was (plus I wasn't wearing shoes) and his hair was shaved. I felt so bad, he grabbed me and I was pushing him away kind of because I wasn't used to it. I got used to it after awhile needless to say. grrrrr I miss him and I'm a little over the whole college I'd miss my floor mates like crazy b/c they're the best and I love them but really other than that. I don't know I think most ppl love college b/c they find the place they belong and other ppl just love it b/c they gain more freedom but really my parents gave me a lot of freedom cuz they trust me so...yeah doesn't leave a lot of room. I think I may need to open up more b/c I keep thinking of Kevin and how I could've and POSSIBLY should've gone somewhere like Stonehill which is only 1/2 hr from Kevin but at the same time that's dumb and I promised myself never to do that. ALSO it's really small college....w/e