(no subject)

Oct 26, 2008 14:37

I've chipped my tail bone. That will happen for I am Damage. Nothing I can do about but swear. Hurts, but I'm going to ignore it.

hea! People are kind.

Yesterday I realised that someone have swiped a heap of my prescription medicine, for recreational, selfish purposes. Today, someone gave me one of his. No point in being narky at the bad, I'm reassured by the generous.

The good continues, how nice is it that friends of friends arrive at my house with a trailer full of stuff, that I need? Very nice I say.

Today I went stuff collecting. We now have:

- mattress!! (major joy after sleeping on the floor for 3 months!)
- bed linen (woot! clean sheets! double woot! hello kitty sheets!)
- towels
- A vase (which I will use to start collating my rocks)
- a fridge!! go the cold! spent the last 2 hrs cleaning it, I'm so good at cleaning.
- a wok
- a coffee machine thingo (so good as I can now bribe sasha out of bed to lift things with more ease)
- A toasty sandwich maker.
- loads of glass jars (sasha will sort his shed bits into these)
- box of latex gloves (always handy)

Yesterday - a mind bogglingly kind random action resulted in
- large bookcase
- small bookcase
- fairy table (which this puter id sitting on now)
- 2 lounge chairs (again in use now. I'm going to recover and funky then up when/if my sewing machine gets going)
- a yoga ball, which is bliss for my sore butt butt
- assorted linen and pillows.. Enjoyed those pillowcases last night.
- 2! boxes of kitchen stuff, most of which went straight to the pool room.
- shoes and boots!! for my feet, nice comfy ones.

- a old puter was built for us out of various parts, it works! now I have the internets.
- a big old telly (works, just takes 10mins to warm up)

and from the street fairies -
- small set of drawers
- two very large god paintings (I'll use the frames to hang some funky textiles in)
- 2 box sets of ally mcbeal DVD's (hea, I'm starved of entertainment - the street fairies will get them back)
- old, but workable wardrobe
- large church pew style bench (perfect for veranda..when its fixed)
- hang of new, sealed, padded coat hangers.
- 2 brand new, taped and sealed floor rugs.

Most likely have forgotten stuff. the quest of stuff continues, guess I'm being needy. Reached the point a while again where I said "bugger it, I just have to face the reality that I need help" and the surprising thing is that people help. Makes me all reassured.

House destroyed at the start of August, is nearly November. Wonder when this sentence of hard labour will end? At least I've gotten fitter, much fitter, growing muscles even. Funny how people keep saying that I'm looking really good, when I've lost weight from stress, gotten fit from working so hard and learnt how to develop panic attacks. good diet. yeah, but no..Meh, you just have to accept what comes or it will drive you mad.

reckon I need a nanna nap..Nawh, I'm going to finish scrubbing the fridge and try and find my little cat. either that or nap. Who can tell?

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