
Jun 20, 2010 02:27

sometimes i feel i have the blueprints in my mind to do anything i dream of, i just don't take the simple, obvious, logical stepts to make it happen.

for instance, i have always struggled with BRUSH PENS. and inking in general (i mean, i'm aite). i want to be a finer inker. specifically, i wanna have more freedom inking. not limited to micron sizes (ugh).

but i don't really LIKE or GET using a nib or a brush, or anything i have to DIP. i am too hyper for that shit.

and brush pens totally crap out within 5 uses. the tip gets all crappy. and in general i think i like a more firm brush. something that will give me some resistance. so a shorter, more tuff brush is necessary.

well, tonight i was like FUCK IT IM GONNA CUT THIS BRUSH PEN'S BRUSH A BIT SHORTER AND INTO A SHARPER ANGLE and it-- it worked. like, up til this point i believed i just simply couldn't do that, coz things don't work that way? but this thing inks like new and has great resistance, good flow, im pulling off all the fancy shit i wanna pull of.

it's like, duh? just cut the brush.

i feel like there are many things in my life (AND INDEED, IN ALL OUR LIVES) we can just "cut the brush" on.


just drewd this

this aint exactly the pinnacle to my new found CRUSH BUTTED, I MEAN, CUT BRUSHED STYLE. it's like... a fuckin doodle. that i colored!!!

And yes, I love Michael Deforge :P
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