on my feet on the floor good to go

Apr 25, 2011 14:11

Ohhh mannn I'm excitedddd. I'ma be painting up the Emerald City Comic Con offices soon!!

So majOR.

I feel like I'm becoming almost a respectable artist again?? HAR HAR.


Oh wait this livejournal post should suffice. COME ON. Who even uses / takes livejournal seriously anymore? I'm not even serious right now, you guys. (I said "you guys" on the internet, I am referring to YOU ALL, THE INTERNET, specifically, so you know I'm serious). Stupid meandering LJ posts like this are seriously just another silly artform to me. I am currently drawing a buff fist in the form of this sentence, right here, right now. BAM

Although, I guess being attacked by Russian spies gives LJ some credibility.

Hey, don't doubt my credibility love toward LJ. My comic, Layered Jacket, the main character's initials "LJ" are IN FACT INDEED a loving affectation to this old site of documentation I love so well. Rolls off the tongue!

People have real diaries still! One of my best buds LUDROE has a diary! My diary has always been this site. So whateve.

Anyway, gotta go into pro-mode for this one. I know how to paint walls right? OH FUCK YEAH OF COURSE I DO. I'ma get my david choe on. All about yellow underpaint sketchlines, biyatches. Gonna need some magnums, phat paint pens, lots of red & yellow.......

I'ma do ir proper. 4 sho

What characters should I put on it? I think there will be four murals of varying size in total.

I'm thinkging............. Sharknife (YEEEP), Iron Man, Shadowhawk, THE MAXX, Scott Pilgrim.... SEXICA? I need a girl, so ya. Sex.

Prolly Wolverine, of course...

I wonder if video game characters will be appropriate. I'm sure a Mare Odomo-style ASH would be a cute fit.

OOO gotta get my MANG-ON, too. GOKU, for sure? Maybe he's a bit too obvious. Seeing Goku anymore, sad as it is, is like seeing Mickey Mouse or Ronald MacDonald. Which isn't a wholly BAD thing. I still fucking love Mickey, and Ronald... Ronald is ok. Sure. He has a red afro. Good chara dezigns. But ya, Goku is both a symbol of WORLD-CLASS QUALITY, but also a symbol of uhhh world-class selling out? Though I also don't consider "selling out" to be an insult. Unless you think being rich & provided-for based on your skills is an insult.

What solid manga character should I use?


LIGHT from DEATH NOTE???? That'd be kinda subtle and awesome.

NARUTO??? Still borderline Goku.


and excited for OTHER THINGS
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