Apr 15, 2016 14:34
Я в общем то довольно давно живу в штатах и меня трудно удивить рубрикой "их нравы", но от данной рассылочки я таки офигел.
Это приглашение покататься с полицейским от городских ментов и копия письма от довольно посетителя которого Том (фамилию я убрал, в оригинале была) катал с собой показывая свою работу, это как то уж совсем за гранью.
Did you know that ride-alongs are available to anyone who has an interest in learning more about our agency and law enforcement? To learn more and to schedule a ride-along call our front desk at 734.794.6920.
Recently we received an email of appreciation for Officer Tom ХХХ from a citizen who completed a ride-along with him.
"This e-mail expresses appreciation for the April 8th "ride along" with Officer Tom ХХХ (#124). Tom not only explained to me what he was doing during the [traffic] stops but also the reasons (including legal ones) behind them. He also explained cautionary practices he and others in the department were taking to assure situations, even confrontational ones, did not escalate."
Анн Арбор