So this morning, John (that being John Greer, former boyfriend and current friend of mine) sent me an email about an article about a crater being found in Antarctica based on gravity. He asked if GRACE had anything to do with it, and I told him that I didn't know, but it was possible that some other (non-CSR) agency used our data to get the results.
Then this afternoon, we got an email from CSR-central (actually, TSGC-central, but that's close enough) about the same project. Here's the article: This was a much better, more detailed article that said that it was in fact GRACE data used to find the crater. Cool! So I sent a note back to John saying such. His reply (and the whole point of this journal entry):
Of course, my theory is that it isn't mantle crust. It's really a 200-mile spaceship that crash-landeded drunkenly after a fancy dress party at Alpha Centauri and buried itself under the ice. It just looks like mantle because the average density of mantle is the same as the average density of whatever adamantium the ship's made of and whatever gases the aliens happened to breathe.
It may not be true, but the picture in my head is way cooler. Robert would agree. And over time the aliens evolved into penguins, which is why they look like they're dressed for the fancy dress party.
Have fun!
PS: Now if only penguins lived in Antarctica...
And I don't think I can really add much to that! Maybe our local ICESat-ers could laser it a little... Do you think laser beams would be absorbed by a cloaking device, or reflected? :)