(no subject)

May 29, 2009 17:38

I'm becoming a twit.

I'm not sure exactly why it finally clicked for me, considering I first started down the path a year ago. But it finally hit critical point and I snapped.

I'm not deep. That's a patent lie, but I don't share my depth in this forum. My self-expression on this medium is sporadic at best. Plus there's an inherent self-imposed pressure to have some sort of meaning if I'm going to keep a journal. No, this journal currently exists so I can read what a couple of people write and as a point-of-contact for people that I rarely touch base with.

I found that I wanted more, but didn't want to give more in return. Human nature, eh? I wanted a method to post a simple thought or communicate something quickly without getting all... wordy. "Eh, screw it, I'll just tell gi_jules was the inevitable conclusion to most thoughts I'd consider sharing. But if I'm going to be connected, it shouldn't be half-assed, like it is now. It should be half-assed employing a medium that celebrates this halfassedness. Wow, I may have to reactivate my "halfassedly" AIM account.

So yes, I'm going to start actually tweeting, or whatever-the-fuck you call it. If I have something long-winded to say, I may end up posting it here, and linking to it from Twitter. I find it highly unlikely that I will aggregate tweets onto my LJ. I find it kinda annoying, so it would be pretty darn hypocritical.

In conclusion,

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