App post~

Oct 15, 2007 12:02

Voting went here.

Character: Shiba Reiichiro
Series: Zombie-Loan
Age: 16

Canon: [WARNING: Spoilers for chapter 15 of the manga and episode 5 of the anime!]

To the employees of Z-LOAN, death is just the beginning of the next adventure … Well, adventure and debt. Mostly debt. It takes a lot of money to get your life back, after all, but luckily there’s a nice bounty to be collected for out of control zombies. Or, at least, there was a nice bounty before the sudden appearance of “illegal zombies” lowered their worth. What better time for Shiba Reiichiro to show up and help our heroes get to the bottom of this mystery?

Shiba is a composed and affable young man who excels in his studies, but grows bored very easily. In high school, without his BFF Akatsuki Chika around to entertain him, Shiba got tired of this whole “living” thing and jumped off the school roof, becoming an illegal zombie himself. He’s also something of a serial killer. And maybe a bit of a cult leader. Why? Well, it seemed like it could be fun for a while.

Sample Post:

My, my, perhaps I should have been more specific when I asked the taxi driver to take me someplace interesting! It’s my own fault, really, for not realizing his surly growls and furry exterior weren’t part of a quaint cabdriver stereotype. What a wonderful job you’ve all done putting your local wildlife to good use! But, one must ask, is a gorilla’s driver’s license really valid? It would be such a shame if your administration had a brush with the law. Also, it was quite rude of him to drive off so quickly as soon as I stepped out of the car, especially with no other apparent transportation. At least now I won’t feel bad about not leaving a tip.

Hm, it seems that until that taxi comes back around, there’s not really any other place I could go and I don’t think he’ll return any time soon. Well, as long as I’m visiting, I’d best enjoy myself. This camp certainly fits the bill for “interesting,” after all. Why, just look how excited everyone is to see me! Going on and on about “fresh meat” and … marinades? --Oh, I see, zombies! My, how novel and frightening! Hah, see how those two keep fighting over which gets the first bite? I feel so popular! I’m sorry, friends, but while I look sweet, I assure you that I taste quite bitter. Really, you’d be better off switching to a vegetarian diet. I hear it’s very healthy and just the thing to make you feel alive again.

Ahh, we had such a promising start, but I feel myself getting bored already! How dreadful! I certainly hope I won’t have to resort to making my own fun. But, now, what’s this I’ve heard about a mystery? A murder, no less! Yes, that seems like just the thing to keep a young man’s attention. It’s been a while since I last played detective, but it shouldn’t be too hard to pick back up. You there! Yes, you, with most of your limbs! You can be the Watson to my Holmes, the Enkidu to my Gilgamesh, the Roy to my Siegfried! Or would that be the Siegfried to my Roy? But, please, let’s keep this a strictly business relationship. I’m not the kind of guy to have homoerotic tension with just any zombie.


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