Dec 29, 2006 02:40
hmm well whenI have no transportation and all I do is sit around and go to work on a vacation week, i find myself in the same boat as cait. ive been thinking vast thoughts and its getting annoying. Why is it that when you sit down and just think, the thoughts always go from good to terribly depressing. I would not be a good stream of consiousness writer. it would probobly end up like...
Once upon a time there lived a daring knight who fought bravely abroad the four corners of the world. But the knight started coughing one day, he tried drinking water but it just wouldn't stop. He coughed and coughed until he found himself alone and dying on the country side thinking of how he should have never hung around all those smokey bars back in the cities. The horros of second hand smoke fell yet another knight.
You see that was totaly stream of consiousness i just started writing on a whim and thats the product.
Moral: No good ever came of thinking