Do you remember...

Feb 02, 2013 17:09

when my dogs tried to kill me?

For the first two days, there was just swelling around the kneecap and a lot of ouchie. All just bruised-style ouchie, so not as if I'd broken or torn anything. It wasn't until the fourth day that it started to bruise, and now...

Yes, ouch. Today, seven days after, there's a lingering bruised feeling around the kneecap, and yet the worst of the bruising itself is way down the leg, strangely enough terminated by the sock-line.

The dark round thing at the side is Basil's butt. The scattered fluff all over the bedspread is Basil hair.

Yes, if it continues sore on Monday I'll see a doctor.

At the moment, though, it is just rather ... spectacular.


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