Just spent a good half hour packing up a bean bag for the living room, sewing holes in it with the foam in it already and something really hilarious for me.
A few things found out when watching JAG Season 3 with three brain cells-
Catherine Bell is FRAKKING hot when soaking wet!!!
I'd have sex happily with Mac while sam neil's voice is in the background going "Oh Yeah"
The only time you'll ever hear this in a tv series -
"don't worry, I'm not interested in him PROFESSIONALLY, just romantically"
The CGI is shit!
and the final toll - you know the lost F14 Tomcat over the BEMUDA Triangle is just a RED HERRING thrown and hyped up by the DM- It's just a group of Goblins raiding.
New feat: TOmcat with blown canopy - Allows you to land a F14 anytime including with mechanical problems..
Scene: Car parked on a beach, in the moonlight
My friend:"Oh Sauscy"
Scene: Harm and Bud are in the car
All of us "oh GOODNESS" while laughing on the floor
Harm: To keep your friends, don't give them away.
Mac: We are not alone, in some way we're all loking for something.
"For a moment there I thought we were going to have a hallmark moment.
After 13 years of denial, I realise harm is cuteish