Oct 11, 2006 01:34
This may sound dumb, but isn't stealth about not being seen and heard?
Then why is it, in all the shows that are based around the US military, there is always something that would give them away?
The latest was in Stargate. Every time a Stargate team have to dress up in full camo, and face paint they always wear their googles on the front of their helmet...Isn't that a GOOD way of giving away your position?...I mean ONE reflection and your'e toast.
This type of thing happens all the time in many shows (any sci-fi, jag, SG1, cop shows (NCIS on occasion, x-files), hell any covert operation I've seen 'played' out on TV.) Other things that I've seen - incorrect camo for the terrain, even facial painting, jingling gear and packs, hell even talking too loud and using loud comms....
People, you hire military experts and ex-mil people as consultants for this kind of stuff, if someone with only a basic knowledge of stealth techniques can see errors here, please get your acts together....
AND Stargate, STOP it with the goggles technique...it even looks dorky.