Paper 11

Jan 20, 2016 23:16

ITRAX: Description and Evaluation of a New Multi-function X-ray Core Scanner
Croudace et al 2015

This is a machine learned about while getting core samples from Nick Diaz up at OSU. This little machine called the ITRAX does so much, and its readout sate straight forward and clear. You feed a halved sediment core up to 1.8 meters long into one end of this thing, and it incrementally scans the surface of the core. The increments depend on what you tell the machine you want, 1 mm, 2 mm, 5 mm, etc. The cameras and instrumentation keep an even distance from the core, which is a difficult thing to maintain while 'shooting' a core or sediment column by hand. This method is also non destructive to your core. IITRAX takes photos of up to 50 micron resolution, as well as radiographic and XRF elemental variations. I get the feeling I'm going to need to use this machine at some point soon. It's not expensive, and it only takes about an hour to run a scan on a 1.8 m core at 2 cm intervals. The faster the leads I really recommend checking it out!

x- rays, sediment analysis, sediment core

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