Because. Stolen from Bridgie

Apr 15, 2008 15:32

This is a listing of my current major RP chars. I have been RPing since High School, although I had a plethora of characters for my own story ideas ever since I can remember. This is virtually guaranteed to be tl;dr.

Damien Stockholm (d_stockholm abandoned LJ). D.S. didn't hit it off that well in Dear Multiverse, but he has held the spot as my favorite character for a long, long time. Albino, a vampire hunter, and generally played in his mid 40's, there's still a certain Gary Stuness to his personality. He's a nice guy, insecure but tries to hide it, and his major tragic flaw is how much time he spends trying to impress other people when they're more likely to appreciate him for himself. D.S. is the focal character for some comics which I really need to get off my ass and finish.

Telve (Grand High Wizard of the Galaxy. Telve holds the second place spot after D.S. I hate to say it, but he's a lot like House, which is not to say I copied House at all, but I started watching it because we saw the previews when it first started and went OMG it's Telve! He's a grouchy, lecherous old man with a bad leg, who holds a political position against his will. The world of Arraka'ar to which he belongs was built around him and another character, initially. Which brings us to...

Glyndevon. Deaf from a childhood incident involving snakebite and fever, Glyn comes from the happiest most well-balanced family ever to come out of an RP character. Until, you know, they all got brutally killed and stuff. Glyn runs around in the desert fighting off people hunting him down because of basically an accident. He has twin swords, and for this reason alone I've been told he was a rip off of Drizz't Do 'Urden, despite the fact that his being an elf with two magical swords is the only similarity as far as I can tell. He's a sweet-natured, slightly naive young man, who wants to someday settle down and be a goatherd like his father. No rly.
Glyn and Telve only meet up briefly,and don't really have much of anything to do with each other in th grand scheme of things.

Terrence Coleburn (t_coleburn) actually grew out of an older, medieval/fantasy character named Tamh Seachranrath. These are the same character, at two different times, but it's such a drastic difference I tend to consider them separately. T.C. knows he's a very old mage, and he knows he did a spell that altered him physically and wiped out his memories. He overdid it a little and suffers from a continued generally bad memory. He also knows he did something awful, and there's a council of mages that keeps an eye on him. They'd put him under house arrest but he's such a hermit that's pointless. They have forbidden him from practicing magic at all, but they've been lenient about it since he has shield spells on his house. T.C. has strong leanings toward fire magic, and frequent nightmares that have resulted in accidental fires. What he doesn't remember is Tamh's history, and being tricked into burning his wife and daughter alive. T.C. is the classic grumpy hermit mage with some severe alcoholism for good measure, except that he looks about twenty.

The Librarian (librarykeeper started as a visual idea inspired by the movie Labarynth, turned into a character with a scifi history, and then the LJ version got adapted back for the Laby universe. The basic history is that he was a pitfighter in his youth, essentially living as a beast and a slave, until a bad injury and a kind master resulted in him buying his freedom. In the space version, he's genetically engineered ('vat-grown'), which is a common practice and makes him property from his creation. He was meant to in his old age become the Librarian of Time's library, a wacky self-contained universe housing every written work ever made in past present and future. The Goblin Kingdom Library sounds almost like a demotion... He's irritable because he's the kind of Librarian who wishes the patrons would quit messing up the books, but he loves learning and reading and will warm up to people who share his respect for books. He loves orange pekoe tea, peace and quiet, and relaxing with a good book. He doesn't get much of any of that but the tea.

Silens (He's never going to lose the nickname Whitey... greyedwhite) grew out of this dream, and I decided to make him an official character and throw him into DM. His people don't name things, but somebody in DM named him Silens, which is a nice pun and I appreciate it. His people don't speak (no vocal chords), and lead solitary lives hunting their polar opposites, 'the Devouring Dark', beings that propogate like a zombie virus. His world is vaguely medieval fantasy. Whitey is kind and gentle to everyone and everything that is not the Dark. His people succumb to wounding by the Dark and turn into them eventually, but they can survive a few bad wounds. Whitey has survived more than any of his people, which makes him very old by their reckoning, and so they're all terrified when he does turn he'll be one badass Dark. They also think he's weird for learning to write and being so chummy with humans.

Markus Rathbone/Rat (call_me_rat) is probably my newest character still. He was honestly a made-in-a-hurry character, based off Shad in some superficial ways (absurdly tall, older than the other characters, musically talented), but it's been pointed out to me recently that he's very me. He's friendly and a peacemaker, focused on getting along with everybody. He's also very intelligent and thoughtful, but it's not something he wants to push in anybody's face. I think he's actually a nicely deep and good character, but I'm not sure what else to say about him.

Dirk Gently (dirk__gently) should be mentioned, as my primary LJ character. I've adored Dirk for years, and some of the ways I write for D.S. are based off of the Dirk books. It scares me that I can play him pretty well even without the aid of a thesaurus, and my grasp on quantum mechanics is just good enough to fake it. I try to play Dirk as canonically as I can, with the confidence that nothing more will be written about him to mess things up, although I wish Douglas Adams were alive to write more. Dirk as I play him is genuinely very intelligent, probably a true genius but lacking the focus that would make that useful. His ego is not quite as big as people think it is, but he's very confident of his intellect. His weight is not an issue for Dirk, because I never saw any hints that it is. People can call him fat and he just shrugs and goes his way. His biggest driving force is curiosity, and his time as a cat made me realize how incredibly catlike he is. He's not a sleek stealthy hunter, if that's what you're thinking, but he makes an excellent dumpy housecat and he's so good at affronted dignity.

I could go on with more, I really could.

Years roleplaying: Almost fifteen years? I dunno.
Least favorite character: Of those listed, Glyn. I like him, but he's limiting.
Male or Female characters? Almost exclusively male, I know it says something about me.

[Which character of yours would be most likely to...]
Jump off a bridge... Depends on the circumstances. Rat, Silens, and even D.S. would jump off a bridge to save somebody. T.C. would be the most likely to become suicidal.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions... Dirk. Definitely. Zen method of navigation, anyone?
Get lung cancer... Dirk or Rat, although Dirk smokes more. Telve has miner's lung though.
Star in a horror movie... D.S. already lives in a vampire/werewolf setting.
Star in a video game... Silens would be in a hack and slash style game...
Make the world a better place... Silens is the most likely to succeed, but Telve's made some very good political moves.
Have a torrid gay love affair... None of the above? Unless Dirk got LOLed.

[Relate each word to a character of yours:]
Love: Glyn loves easiest and best, because of his upbringing.
Hate: Telve has a wrath that only grows with time. He helped bring about the revolution on his world, freeing them all from slavery, only to fall into slavery of a different kind.
Money: T.C. has more money than he needs, and uses it to live as a hermit. Rat doesn't have enough to meet basic needs.
Lies: Telve has no tolerance for the polite lies of government.
Tragedy: Glyn's life is a tragedy, with his family killed and himself hunted because he was trying to do the honorable thing.
Violence: Silens and Glyn are both no strangers to violence, but fight only as a necessity.
Politics: a word that makes Telve cringe and start to rant ans swear up a storm on the best days.
Fire: T.C. isn't sure if he really wants to remember why he dreams of fire and screams.
Ice: Cream. Vanilla is D.S.' biggest weakness.

[Would you ever...]

Play a prostitute? No. Ugh.
Play a musician? *Points to Rat*
Play a pilot? Sure, but I don't have any plans to.
Play a homosexual? Have done, although mostly in Arraka'ar. Ordeth, Gali'eres, and Izhy are all gay characters there, but not listed above.
Play a pedophile? No...
Play a politician? Telve is, technically.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? Probably not. I don't have that kind of libido.
Play a character who commits incest? No. Not unless it was an NPC.

rp stuff, memeage

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