Unexpectedly ended up working all day yesterday, which throws everything off. I'm still coloring stuff, but the art dump I keep mentioning is... well this isn't it. Blegh. This is also pretty much my chance to install the new sound card, but I'd really rather color stuff...
Got tagged so here's a meme:
1) Name/username.
2) Left or right handed?
3) Favourite letters to write.
4) Least favourite characters to write.
5) Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
6) Tag 5 people.
In case you're wondering what the color scribbles are, it was written on a scrap test sheet for coloring. Uhhh... I think that's 'light tan' for skin shading towards the bottom there, and tongue pink from the Fisher meme near the top...
I could save this, but he's colored and in a way it's the best page of the stuff I'm working on. I will do a character meme for him sometime soon, but here's John Mitchell in a sort of character reference sheet. I have some of these for other characters too, not yet colored.
Between this guy and the Librarian, I clearly have a thing for guys with blue heads. The funny thing about Mitchell is that his character design is so old it's not even funny. I think he gelled when I was about ten, and then I evolved and structured his past since then. The world he lives in was also pretty well set in my mind at that age, which says something about me as a kid. I don't know what it says, but whatever it is it's pretty damn scary...