If you'd be so kind

Oct 27, 2008 23:40

Two like-minded people meet and agree on a mutually beneficial activity.

10-19-2008 (Devlin, Kitt):
Classes are done for the day and many have headed off out of doors after dinner to get some fresh air after a long day inside in the summer heat. Recently arrived after the summer break, Devlin's been sort of laying low since he got here and is currently slumped down in a comfy chair in the commons near the open window. His shirt is half unlaced, hair flopping in his face a little and he has something of a brooding expression going on, one foot braced up against the wall as he seems to look out at the view beyond the window sill. In other words: he's the perfect portrait of Blooded boredom.

Going outside holds no appeal for Kitt, as her tanless skin makes very clear. For that matter, dinner held no appeal either: the healer napped through it, and she looks it. Her hair's tumbled in disarray, the skin under her eyes is puffy, and she's stretching as she walks across the room. Of course, there are hints that all of this is intentional, since her make-up is perfect and those stretches she's indulging in do show off a rather fine figure. Doesn't she look dreamy. But if she takes stock of all the men who are around to see, Devlin included, it's only with a swift and surreptitious look. Kitt helps herself to some klah, but has no sooner taken a sip than she grimaces and spits it back into the cup. "Ugh. Cold."

Disaffected youth meet disaffected youth. Dev's brows lift a little and his eyes do a slow travel of Kitt's figure from toes on upward, lingering where they ought to linger. Finally a little lopsided grin pulls at the corner of his mouth. "I could be a gentleman and offer to go get you some that's hot," he drawls out from his comfy spot by the window and slides a hand through his hair, head tilting to the side a little. "Or just snap and see who comes to refill the pot. Seems like the staff is /awfully/ lax about that kind of thing though."

Kitt's eyes slide over to meet Devlin's, awarding him an extra moment of consideration in return for speaking up. "They're terrible," she confirms, putting her full cup on the discards tray. She gives it a dainty little push with her fingers, as if it were as disgusting to touch as smelly socks. "They wouldn't even answer if you snapped." Sauntering over towards Devlin's corner of the commons, she flops into a chair of her own. Curling two fingers up to her lip, she smiles coyly. "So be a gentleman," she dares him.

"Mm, lazy. They'd be getting a good tongue lashing if they were back home," the young Telgari opines, one leg moving to cross over the other as Kitt joins him. That smile of his widens, taking in the healer's expression. "Hmm, might just be worth it," he muses, eyes twinkling a little as he gives her another once over, then he's pushing up out of his chair and sweeping her a bow. "I'll be right back and I sincerely hope you'll still be here." He turns to head out with a lazy sort of grace to his movements. It doesn't take him long to come back accompanied by one of the kitchen staffers no less. The staffer is put to work cleaning up the klah station, the two mugs she brought with her are taken for the short trip over to the chairs where he left Kitt.

"We'll see," is all Kitt's willing to promise for her continued presence. But there she still is when Devlin and the kitchen girl return, flipped sideways in her chair so that her legs are draped up over one arm and her head falls back over the other. She stirs herself, with obvious reluctance, to straighten up so she can take her drink, her eyes pausing on the kitchen girl to assess whether she's pretty enough to be a threat. Evidently not, in Kitt's world, since her attention soon returns to Devlin as though the other girl didn't exist. "How gentlemanly," she praises him, giving him full credit for bringing the klah.

Devlin deposits one mug with Kitt, keeps the other for himself. "My mother would be proud," he quips and settles back in his seat, paying the kitchen girl no further mind as she goes about cleaning and tidying and setting that fresh pitcher in place. "So. What's a lovely lady like you, doing stuck in a place like this?" the holder inquires, accompanied by that pretty smile of his.

Kitt transfers the cup into her left hand, holding up her right and bending back the palm to expose her wrist. The healer's knot that hangs there becomes all the more obvious from this motion. "They told me I had to." She shrugs, gives the knot a little wiggle, then flips her hand back down and reclaims the klah. "Guess I'm not polished. You?" Her eyes thin as she considers him, and this question, trying to place his decidedly unfamiliar face.

"Ahh, I see," Devlin drawls out and eyes the knot-made-accessory. "That's a very clever way of dealing with your knot so it doesn't interfere with the style of your gown," he compliments and leans his elbow casually on the arm of his chair, chin propped in palm. "Oh, I'm all diamond-in-the-rough," he quips, "I definitely need to learn my manners all over again." His mug of klah is lifted, sipped from, then his chin lifts and he reaches for her free hand, not to shake, but as well as he can, lean to bring it up to his lips. "Devlin, of Telgar, at your service. And they told me the same."

Kitt smiles at the compliment, her (makeup-enhanced) eyelashes fluttering down to create quite a pretty picture of demure but flattered woman. An instant later, the pose ends, and she is back to being lazy again. "You're a fast learner, then, fetching a lady her evening klah. And you've only just arrived, haven't you?" For such was the conclusion of her scrutiny of a moment before: she didn't recognize Devlin, ergo, he must be new. Fully certain that her guess was correct, she smiles languidly "I'm Celinette, but call me Kitt."

"Just a seven or so ago," Devlin says with a little shrug and his thumb lingers atop her hand before releasing it. "Some things, I didn't need to learn here," up goes his mug again, though his eyes don't leave Kitt's. "Some, I'm sure I'll be learning all the better for having such fine company." His head bobs, his smile flashes again. "Kitt. Short but sweet."

Add a measure of smugness to that languid smile: yep, she was right about him being a new arrival. Now put a spark of intrigue in her eyes - what can she make of the new arrival - and you have Kitt's expression to a T. "Devlin," she repeats right back at him. There are no short-but-sweets she can tack onto that name, so she lifts a brow and teasingly inquires, "Devilish?"

"Some might say so," Devlin quips in answer to the tease, covers his grin partly with a sip from his mug. "I usually just hope for 'devilishly charming', it's a lot nicer sounding," he continues with a little flip of his fingers and leans back comfortably in his seat. "I'd kind of thought that being sent here was going to be dreadfully boring, but since I've met you, well I'm just going to have to revise that opinion." Proof in the pudding?

Kitt laughs softly at the quip he made out of her tease, but her mouth is soon hidden by the klah she lifts to her lips. Her eyes are still visible, but they are largely inscrutable. "Oh, but it is boring," she pauses to correct him. She swirls her cup vaguely in the direction of the room proper, so quiet while everyone's outside enjoying the sunshine. "It's just that I'm not," she insists, shamelessly egotistical and amused by her own assuredness.

"Ahh, I stand corrected then and will be sure to focus my studies on that which is most interesting here at the Caucus." Devlin's eyes still spark with humor and obvious flirtation, though he doesn't specifically state that Kitt will be the object of his study. "I might need some help with a few things though, you know, getting my bearings and all." A slight pause. "Maybe that's something you could assist with?"

Kitt tips her head, considering. Her left hand curls in to touch the cup of klah, fingers attracted to the warmth emanating from it. "I could show you a few choice spots," she allows, lowering the cup. Now a blatant smile is visible, its intent as clear as Devlin's flirting. The spots she's thinking of won't have much in the way of good views, but the doors might lock. "If you're interested." Forget the discard tray: she leans sideways to put her cup down on the floor. Then she lifts an eyebrow at him. Well? All talk, or what?

"I'd hate to get lost around here, so a tour of the out of the way spots would be welcome," is the ready reply. One more mouthful of the drink and his mug is set, half-emptied onto the window sill rather than the floor. Up to his feet he goes and then Devlin's extending his hand, palm upward, half bowing towards Kitt. "If you'd be so kind as to oblige me?" And there's both humor and intent to be found in his eyes. Money where mouth is.

Once intent is confirmed, Kitt need no longer play at being coy. The taunting drops out of her demeanor, to be replaced by cool-headed decisiveness. She places her hand in his while she's getting up, then taps his palm as she's drawing away. Come this way. "If you get lost easily, there's a maintenance closet you had best beware of," she tells him as she sweeps towards the stairs. "I've known a few men to mistake it for a classroom."

That tap draws out a loose smile and Devlin makes a 'lead on' gesture with his open hand. "Faranth preserve me from making any such error. I'd hate to get all tangled up in mops and brooms and never find my way out again. You'd best make me very aware of the ins and outs of the situation." There's that teasing edge in his voice again as he follows after Kitt, pace almost lazy and hands clasped properly behind back. After all, he wouldn't want to give anyone the wrong impression, would he? And off they go to avoid getting lost in a closet.

devlin, kitt

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