Then there was 'Fall

Aug 12, 2006 00:11

8-11-2006 (J'cor, Kierom):
Weyrleaders' Office
Much of the formal and informal business that concerns the weyrleaders is conducted here. As such, an effort has been made to keep this chamber comfortable out of respect for the long hours of work required to keep the Weyr running. The walls are bright with tapestries and the floors warm with thick rugs. A large sandtable holds pride of place in the center of the room, one half covered with a sheet of glass to serve as a writing surface. A second, smaller table holds whatever writing implements and record hides are needed by the staff. The chairs that ring this area are thickly cushioned but otherwise undecorated.
The stairs that led into the complex from the bowl continue up to the right, taking one into the Weyrleader's weyr. A large tunnel to the left curves down to the senior Weyrwoman's weyr, broken only by the smaller tunnel that leads to one of the junior's weyrs. The last tunnel, opposite the entrance, leads to the second junior's weyr.
Obvious Exits:
Council Chamber (CC) West Wing (WE) East Wing (EW)
North Weyr (NW) Weyrleader's Weyr (WL) Bowl (B)

J'cor has retreated from his office somewhat, since the incident with Fall over Nabol - the paperwork that usually litters the table has been moved upstairs, to his own weyr. He's in the office now, however, hovering by the small table of hides and implements and digging through, evidently in search of something.

Kierom peers into the office and knocks on the door, peering in. "Sir?" He looks curiously at the Weyrleader searching on the table, "Anything I can help with?"

J'cor glances up, offering a thin smile of greeting. "No, just searching for a hide that's supposed to be here. It'll turn up," he says, looking back down at the hides that he's rifling through. Facing them, he says, "Now, is there anything I can help /you/ with, Kierom? Do not hesitate to take a more comfortable seat, if you prefer."

Kierom blushes slightly as he moves to take a seat and smiles slightly. "I just thought I'd come and check in. Let you know what's going on and see if there's anything more I can do. If this is a good time, sir?"

J'cor apparently finds the paper he needs, for he lets out an "Ah!" of discovery. He examines it for a bit before pulling it out from the rest, however, rolling it up carefully in his hands while he turns to face Kierom. "It's good enough," he answers mildly, with another smile. "Thank you for taking the time." And he waits, expectantly, for the report.

Nodding slowly, Kie begins the report, "Well, as you may have guessed, at first it was mainly dragonriders who didn't approve of the leadership change and think it's wrong for Igen to be here, but most of the residents were fine with it from what I heard at first, but there have been some exceptions. I've heard some people mention that they think it's a plot to take over High Reaches Weyr and get rid of thoses truly loyal to this Weyr. Many people are not happy with E'sere leaving and don't understand why he was asked to leave and that has had more people questioning the new leadership's decisions. Then there was 'Fall. PEople haven't stopped talking about Nabol and the talk hasn't been good for the new Weyrleaders, sir." Kierom doesn't go into details of the last part, thinking the Weyrleader has guessed what people have been saying.

J'cor's expression grows grim as he listens, although the Weyrleader doesn't seem much surprised. "You are a bad news before good sort of person, Kierom, or at least I so hope." The hide rolled up, J'cor goes to stand in front of his table; opting not to take an actual seat for himself, he merely leans back on it. "Have there been any counter-arguments made, on behalf of what support the Weyrwoman and I do have?" His smile, this time, is wry, as he taps the rolled up hide once against his leg.

Smiling just slightly then, Kie nods, "There have been some counter arguements mainly from some of the Lower Cavern workers, a few of the kitchen staff, a couple of the guards and only a few of the riders who don't mind going against them. The Weyr is split, but lately you've been losing some support. I've been doing what I can as well...." Kie blushes slightly then and looks up at the Weyrleader.

J'cor inclines his head, a gracious thanks for Kierom's words of support. "Such a reaction was not unanticipated," he murmurs. Another moment and he peps up again, this time slapping the rolled hide into the palm of his other hand. "So? What are the counter arguments that you and the kitchen staff have used?"

Kierom blinks for a momennt and smiles a little, "For me, it's easy. I never truly met the old Weyrleaders and have found a home here and with the new leadeship, I'm noticed more stability with the staff od the weyr li. It's like they are doing better that we have definite, solid leadership and I've pointed that out. I've heard some of the same arguements from the kitchen staff and heard of them making more swet cakes for the Weyrwoman than they have ever done before. She's got some of them supporting her no matter what. I've also been trying to use logic in pointing out that with new leaders, new wingleaders may change if they don't fit well or don't like the new leaders. Some people are starting to listen, but it's not easy....."

J'cor lets the scroll rest in his palms, his head tilted as he listens. "No - many of the things which have happened, recently, will be hard for them to accept. I must correct you on one matter, however: I would never demote a wingleader simply for disliking me, so long as he continues to obey orders and do his job well."

Kierom blinks and nods at J'cor. "Well, I didn't know quite what to say when people talked about E'sere. He's a;ways been nice and I wasn't aware of him not following orders until the Fall. OF course no one would tell me that kind of thing...." Kie blushes again and looks towards the ground a little,

J'cor's smile flicks briefly across his face. "I spoke in general, Kierom; forgive me for being unclear. E'sere's transfer was arranged a long time ago, and was by no means a response to the events of that Fall. It was, additionally, arranged in good faith: not as a punishment, but as a new opportunity for E'sere."

Kierom blushes and nods. "Well, I am glad to hear that it was done in good faith. I know he hasn't been too happy about it though." Kie cocks his head slightlt then, "Is there more I should be saying or doing?"

J'cor slides off his desk, tucking the hide under one arm. Still clearly thinking of E'sere, he murmurs, "No? A short while ago he anticipated the prospect." The words are hard to catch, though, as the Weyrleader is striding around his desk, taking a seat on the other side. Now that he's properly seated, he regards Kierom for a moment or two before answering, "Perhaps. Tell me, Kierom, what is your opinion on Nabol? I recall you were sent from there, originally."

Kierom shifts is his seat and looks towards the ground then, taking a couple of breathes before answering. "Well, I am originally from Big Bay as my family is from there, but I have abrother and his family in Nabol, but we have been fighting lately. I don't agree with what the leader of Nabol has done and that is why I don't want to return there."

J'cor waits patiently, listening to this explanation with a nod. His eyebrows go up just a fraction, but the change is so slight as to be almost unnoticeable. "And your opinion on the recent Fall." What should be a question definitely is not one: J'cor's inflection, unlike his brows, does not go up.

Kierom blushes and looks towards the ground some, "To be honest, I was a little mixed about it, I'm glad my brother is safe even if we don't get along, but I think that those who went against orders should be punished and Nabol's leadership should be taught a lesson...." Kie bites his lower lip then and peers up at the Weyrleader.

J'cor's smile holds just the faintest note of regret, and he shakes his head. "The lessons of leadership should not be writ upon the lives of men." He leans forward, pulling the hide out from under his arm and placing it before him where it will stop getting in his way. "No, that is another matter, I fear, on which the weyr will have trouble believing in my good will. Nabol does not tithe to High Reaches now: Fort now receives its tithe." His expression is unduly somber, even distracted, as he speaks, but he makes an effort to bring himself back for the last words, watching Kierom.

Kierom blinks and cocks his head at J'cor then, looking like he really wants to support the Weyrleader. "Then why didn't Fort fly over Nabol? I heard that the riders here were the only onces that flew, even though they went against orders." Kie is trying to better understand the situation and gain more support from and for the Weyrleader. "Is there more gaing on?"

J'cor's distracted expression suddenly becomes stony. "So it would seem. I do not know why Fort chose not to fly, but fly they did not." That seems to be all he's willing to say on the matter, however, as he leans back into his chair. "I do know why High Reaches did not fly. We are not receiving tithe, and that fact is not to be discounted - it is not, as some have said, purely a political squabble. We cannot ask two Holds to continue tithing while a third escapes its duty; how would we justify such a favoritism? Indeed, even those beholden to other weyrs would begin to wonder - does the weyr really need /their/ tithe? Surely it can do with just two holds tithing." J'cor folds his hands on the table, calmly predicting the story. "Without tithes, the weyr can not feed itself. It can not clothe itself. Without tithes, the weyr would eventually be unable to muster its wings for Thread, at all."

Kierom nods slowly then, still looking at J'cor. "Well, that does answer a few questions and I do agree about the tithe. It is essential for Weyrs and if all Holds stopped, it would have a dire impact. I don't know anyone at Fort Weyr currently, just a few at Nabol hold. What would you like me to do?" Kie looks at the Weyrleader expectantly, giving support and seeing what J'cor may have in mind.

J'cor shrugs, drawing his hands down off the table. "Examine your opinions on the matter thoroughly; I do not wish you to repeat what I said merely because I said it. Discuss it, if you feel so inclined, with others; whatever conclusion your own reflections bring you to, I would like the matter of tithes to be more widely discussed, for I notice that issue was not brought up in your report."

Kierom nods slowly, "Well, people are talking more about the politics of it than about the tithes, which is why that isn't in my reports. I can easily mention tithes when asked about the 'Fall and my opinion since people here know my brother is there and most know that I was sent from there, even if I don't want to go back. So, basically, get the focus off the politics and on the tithes if I could?" Kie nods slowly then, "I don't want to go back to Nabol and that's never been a secret and my only concern has been my brother." There is honesty is Kie's voice and some resolution.

J'cor watches Kierom soberly, adding a nod to confirm the words. The last addition draws a small pause from him, but he gives it another nod. "I see. Well, yes, that is what I would wish. Get people to at least consider the issue of tithes, and to discuss it. Thank you, Kierom." And in his tone, the faint hint of 'dismissed.'

Kierom nods at the Weyrleader and gets up, heading out of the office. "I will do my best sir."

k'rom, nabol, j'cor

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