Is it true you knocked up your mistress?

Sep 07, 2008 13:00

Warning: log contains swearing.

Not long after hearing the rumors about Anwyn's pregnancy, Reyce runs into Sieren in the storerooms. Luckily Windyl is there to broach the subject with great tact.

9-6-2008 (Reyce, Sieren, Windyl):
It's rather late at night to be hitting up the stores, but by that same token, it's an excellent time to come. With little else to distract them, and a boring night looming ahead, the stores workers are in a better mood than usual - which is why, when Reyce came in to request a spare cot, one of them immediately took the excuse to rush off in search of such a thing somewhere in the stores. Reyce himself was given that same storeworkers chair, where he is currently reclining by the exit with his eyes closed and his head leaned back. Just resting, not asleep, to judge by the occasional restless tap of his foot.

When Sieren comes in, he's looking down at a hide in his hand and therefore nearly trips over Reyce's feet as he comes in. He catches himself on the edge of the front desk, looks over with a quirk of his lips to the side. "Good evening," he offers over politely, nods to one of the workers and requests a box of ginger candies.

There are lots of reasons to be in the stores late at night. Some of them more proper than others. What is Windyl doing? Well, whatever it is she's doing it with the permission of one of the stores workers as she's been allowed to disappear looking for something. With help, of course. Right now her and her helper are out of sight and quiet enough to not disturb instructors up front.

With one helper off with Windyl, the other looking for Reyce's cot, that only leaves one more person at this particular entrance. The young storesworker glances at the door, pondering for a moment the likelihood of someone else coming while she's away from her station, but really, with two instructors here, surely the entrance is responsibly watched. "Ginger candies, sir? No problem. I'll go get some." She flashes Sieren a smile and flits off to find some. If only Reyce's response were that cordial. He opens his eyes to see whose footsteps carried them so close to him - and finding Sieren, his eyes narrow.

Sieren bobs his head once at the worker. "Thank you kindly," he says, ever the model of politesse and looks back down at his hide briefly, then turns his head as the weight of Reyce's eyes descends and he lifts both brows towards the math instructor. "Bad night?"

Poor bad night people. It cannot be fun for people to be stuck in stores at night. Unless that's where they want to be. Somewhere amidst all the cots and boots and boxes and shelves there's a rather high pitched giggle quickly shushed.

Reyce opens his mouth, but is interrupted by the noise among the shelves. His frown switches that way, but whatever's going on back there, he has no interest in interfering with it. Blowing a soft snort, he returns his attention to Sieren. "There's rumors about Anwyn," he says. Thankfully, his voice is soft, and doesn't carry much into the main room where storesworkers are meddling about.

That giggle lifts Sieren's head as well and he peers that way, shrugs once and looks back over at Reyce, brows lifted again. "So I've heard."

Another sound from the shelves this time more of a shuffling noise. Then a quiet thump noise followed by a more masculine laugh that sounds to be quickly shushed.

Reyce stares at him, waiting. When no more words are forthcoming, he asks, "Is she?"

There's another look over at the shelves, amusement perhaps registering on Sieren's face and then he looks back at Reyce. "You'll need to be blunter than that," he tells the math instructor. "Considering I've heard at least five separate rumors about Anwyn today."

There's a thump followed by a loud "Ouch" in a masculine voice before a shadow departs from a larger one and creeps along towards the exit. Not that he's going to get past the instructors without being seen and he seems to realize this and stops and turns around and heads back.

Oblivious to the escape attempts of the shadow figure, Reyce slings an arm back over his chair and looks up at Sieren. Clearly, he's not going anywhere. "I only heard the one," he says. So he was being blunt, suggests the lift of his eyebrow. "That she's pregnant."

Sieren's eyes flick towards those shadowy shapes, mark the attempted egress, the retreat and flick back to Reyce. No comment from this peanut gallery on any hanky panky in the stacks. The math instructor's query earns a straight up answer. "Yes."

The next figure in the shadows to emerge doesn't bother trying to sneak out. Windyl whistles a merry tune to announce her arrival. Running her fingers through her hair she doesn't seem bothered like her companion was. Maybe she doesn't see who is up there yet?

Interrupted, again, by that girl! Reyce shoots Windyl a cross look as she approaches, his lips clamping tight over the next words he had for Sieren. It takes him a moment to find something else to say, during which it would be obvious to anyone (who paid attention) that he's trying to hide what he and Sieren were talking about a moment before. "Was lucky about the dog," he says, directing his gaze sharply to the harper's chin, then dragging it back up to meet his eye. "Looks like it got you pretty shallow."

"Good evening, Windyl, I hope you found what you were looking for," Sieren offers over to the student, shoots a bland look and a wry smile back at Reyce. "Very lucky. Hurt like hell though."

"Oh, hi!" Windyl says brightly seemingly oblivious to a conversation having been occurring. "I thought I'd found what I wanted," she answers with a sunny smile. "Alas for me it was not to be. What were you talking about?" She would be in no rush to leave yet it seems.

"Getting lucky," Reyce answers her drily, letting his gaze scroll up to the ceiling.

It might be that there's a brief glint of humor in Sieren's eyes at that short response from Reyce. "I'm terribly sorry you weren't -- lucky," the harper says with slight emphasis on that word. And he taps his own chin lightly. "How much a badly placed bite can hurt."

Windyl's laugh is loud enough that whomever is hiding in th shadows will hear it. "Funny subject," she answers unbothered by any implications of that phrase. "Oh, I never said I wasn't lucky," she tells Sieren cheerfully. "Is it true you knocked up your mistress before being married for a turn? I would think an etiquette instructor would know that's poorly done." She's probably not even drunk just unaware of making sure mouth and brain are connected. Reyce, to be included gets asked, "And isn't Issa due soon? Wow. I wonder if there's something in the water? She's really interesting, Issa. We finally met. I should go visit her!"

"Apparently, Windyl is a very well-informed student, I'll have to let Anwyn know that you were paying attention in class," Sieren answers mildly. "But since our very private business seems to be a matter of public discussion tonight, I'll be straightforward with both of you. Yes, Anwyn is expecting my child." Not a trace of shame on his face either.

Reyce's eyebrows pop up to his hairline, and he returns his eyes from the ceiling to blink at Windyl. "She gets bored without company, so go ahead," he advises Windyl in a murmur, mild surprise still lingering over his expression. Settling on a reaction at last, his mouth twists at the corner: is that a tiny smile? Muffled as it is by his new beard, it's hard to discern. At any rate, if there was humor in him, it's gone by the time he addresses Sieren. "You're an asshole," he tells him simply, but sincerely. "So is she."

Windyl's nose wrinkles up and she shakes her head. "And grandfather says I don't know how to behave. At least I stay away from married men. It is weird though." She remarks the last to Reyce more than Sieren. "Usually it's an old woman being cheated on with by a young one. No accounting for taste. Well, I am up past my bedtime." She leans closer with a wide grin and asks, "Do please ignore Chad when he comes out. He's so horribly embarrassed about being caught. Silly boy. Good night!" A wiggle of her fingers and she heads for the exit with a swish of her hips.

"With Arali's blessing," is what Sieren states next, still visibly unperturbed, slants a look towards shadowy 'Chad'. "Certainly, wouldn't want to embarrass anyone tonight, would we?" he remarks dryly.

"Arali's blessing," Reyce repeats. The words don't seem to mollify him. They make his lip curl in a snarl. "Same way she blessed you two fucking in the first place, same way she knew it going in. She's stupid, and you're taking advantage." His eyes had trailed off towards the shadows when Windyl referenced her lover, but now they return to Sieren. Hopefully, while Reyce was looking that way, Chad was able to figure out that he shouldn't come back at all, not with the math instructor in this mood. "Making her a laughingstock when you're supposed to look out for her, and thinking of Anwyn and yourself so much you don't care what it does to her."

"I suggest, that you ask Arali if she feels she's a laughingstock, or whether or not she would care to share with you, her reasons and motivations," Sieren replies, steadily. "I can but assure you, that I care very much how Arali is affected." Chad is ignored as he slips by, blushing and red and tucking his shirt back in. Both of Sieren's hands fold together as he waits still for his order.

Reyce makes a low sound in his throat as Chad passes, delaying his reaction for Sieren more than he's responding to the young man walking past - as Windyl requested, Chad is dutifully ignored. But even if Sieren seems comfortable discussing his peccadillo in front of people, the Bendenite holds back. "The hell kind of answer is that?" he growls at Sieren as soon as Chad's passed out of earshot again, mumbling something about going to help the other workers. As if anyone cared what he was going to do. "You think it matters whether Arali /feels/ like a laughingstock? She /is/ one. Even Windyl's making fun of you. And in the long run, that kind of thing matters - maybe Arali's not old enough to know yet, but you sure as fuck are. And so's her brother." Reyce narrows his eyes again, sharply.

"Windyl, as you may have noticed, is not precisely a good measuring stick for public opinion," Sieren says a trifle coolly. "As for what type of answer that was, that was the type of answer that means I won't speak for Arali about her private business, because it's not mine to share," the harper says plainly. A moment later the conversation is cut short again by the arrival of Sieren's request as he takes the box from the worker and turns a look back towards Reyce. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to bring these to my wife, who is feeling a little poorly this evening." The hide is collected off the top of the desk and Siere turns to go.

"Don't bullshit me," Reyce tells the harper's back. His own stores worker has yet to return, but hopefully now has Chad to help him pull down a cot from wherever it is they went. He glances at the befuddled worker who just brought Sieren's ginger candies, licking his bared teeth like a dog who, restrained from the attack, just keeps thinking about that jugular. "I didn't ask you about that, so don't pretend like it's the issue. Or that there is none. You're not that dumb, so don't take me to be." A little harsh in front of the storesworker, yes, but at least vague enough that she won't immediately know what they're talking about. Indeed, the girl seems to have learned plenty of discretion since coming here: as soon as she realizes there's something going on, she turns her eyes up to the ceiling and pretends to be invisible. Reyce pretends the same, not so much as glancing at her as his eyes stay fixed on Sieren's retreating back.

"I'm not," Sieren says over his shoulder, simply, a little frown denting the space between his brows, a hint of surprise at this reaction from Reyce. "And there is no issue unless a person chooses to make one. I will however, suggest my office as a more suitable location to discuss this further. For now, good night and I hope that Issa is doing well and Asha as well."

To Reyce, this ending is acceptable. A dark expression passes over him when Sieren suggests his study - an undesirable encounter, evidently - but at least there are no more miscommunications. "All right," he answers, signalling his willingness to drop it, as well as substituting for any good night pleasantries.

sieren, windyl

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