It's just not what I am used to

May 14, 2008 23:34

Looking for new boots, Reyce stumbles across Sasha and starts to talk with him about life at and advantages of the Caucus. He tries to advise.

5-14-2008 (Sasha, Reyce):
The day is heading towards mid-afternoon and the river port shows all manner of signs of life. Traders have set up here and visitors and 'locals' alike are doing their best to empty the stalls of goods. While not emptying their pouches as well, of course. The students here are clustered for the most part. Few of them walk alone, but stick to their friends or visiting family members. Sasha has no visiting family and since his friends all seem to he is one of those alone types. Not that he is disturbed by this fact. He is currently examining the wares at a tannercraft stall and engaging in idle chit chat with the apprentice on duty while fingering a belt.

Reyce has had a family with him for most of the day, but he's left them behind to come on this solo trip to the tanner stall. Coming up beside Sasha, he leans his fingers on the counter and gives them a slight tap to make sure the apprentice - or at least someone in the stall - notices him waiting. "Looking at boots," he tells them, giving his measurements so they can check their stock. That done, he looks to see who's next to him, and recognizing Sasha, gives him a quick "Hey" and a nod.

The apprentice dealing with Sasha has a compatriot who takes Reyce's size and then goes to check what's in stock. Sasha gives the belt one last tug and then hands it back with a shake of his head. Focusing on Reyce now he gives a nod. "Instructor Reyce. A pleasure to see you. I hope the gather finds you well?" He keeps his spot at the counter since no one else seems interested in buying something at the moment.

"Going good," Reyce answers, leaning his arm down on the counter while he waits. He stretches his legs out behind him, quietly pushing his toes out to get a good stretch out of it. Evidently he's been sitting down for a while. "It's not raining." He glances up at the sky, still overhung with clouds but, as he says, not raining. "And otherwise it's a Gather, kind of normal."

"We did not get many opportunities at the craft to enjoy ourselves like this. It is a novelty." Sasha folds his arms over his chest and looks over his shoulder to see if boots have appeared yet. Nope, not yet. The apprentices speak quietly in the background as they sort through things. "I had considered disappearing for a few hours to work on an assignment, but I thought finding a quiet spot would be quite impossible at this point."

Reyce nods, dipping his chin down to his chest in a moment of thought. "From Benden, you see them a lot," he answers then, waving a hand back at the Gather crowd. "Forget sometimes it's not as common for other places, I'm used to it, but Issa likes them." Shrug. He drags himself up off the booth, standing straight again now that he's finished sneaking in that stretch. "Wouldn't recommend looking for a quiet spot, anyway. Don't know what you'd walk in on."

The math instructor's last words cause the journeyman miner to blush, but he covers it up with a cough and another look over his shoulder. "That's something we didn't have to worry about back home either. It's a bit disturbing how some of these women act. I just ain't used to the behavior. From the holder girls too. I mean..." Shaking his head Sasha runs a hand over his head. "Well, losing one day of my studies won't hurt anything. A day off isn't going to ruin anything." An apprentice turns up and coughs politely before holding out a pair of boots. They may be the right size, but perhaps the dye job would not appeal. It being a reddish maroon and all, perhaps not the thing for a manly math instructor. But then again, who knows?

Hearing the cough, Reyce delays his response for a moment to look at the boots. Eyebrows go up - surprise is registered - then his expression flattens. "You got anything that's plain leather or black?" Maroon boots rejected, then. Reyce returns to the miner. "They're looking for husbands," he explains, his voice dropped back to a casual murmur. "Or they're like that. Holder or not, not everybody raises their daughter good." Since he has a daughter himself, Reyce tips a hand back towards his chest to admit he might be included in that group, though a brief frown suggests he'd rather not be. "But it's not - you know, not going to change it, not something to worry about."

Sasha has recovered by now and any trace of embarrassment has fled his features. "I suppose. It's just not what I am used to. Nor what I would expect of any of my sisters. But, you are correct, not everyone is raised the same way. It is just a bother when they throw themselves at you. I am here to study. A wife is not something I seek at least until I attain my mastery." The apprentice shakes his head and lets the boots drop to his side. "Sorry, sir. It's the only thing in that size. Were you willing to wait we could take your measurements and have them sent on when they were done."

Woe be unto men with big feet. Reyce kicks his current shoes (fresh, polished black ones, and probably not the ones he wants to replace) into the dirt, eyeing the apprentice carefully. "For an extra fee," he guesses, the wariness apparent in his voice. While he waits for the apprentice to sort that answer out, keeping his face turned towards the young man, his eyes move back to Sasha. "Knew a guy like that in High Reaches, but you talk more. Get more attention that way."

"The craft is demanding. If I wish to be taken seriously, to attain any further rank, I must apply myself. It was a gamble coming here." Sasha frowns at this, but after scratching at his neck just folds his arms over his chest once more. "A gamble, but I expect it to pay off. Fresh ideas, that's what we need in the mines." Catching himself there he turns and eyes those maroon boots with an amused chuckle. "Not your type, yea? They are pretty...garish. Sure those ain't some boots for a big footed lady?" The apprentice looks at Sasha for but a moment before focusing on Reyce. "Well, there would be a delivery fee, of course. There's no getting around that, I fear."

Reyce snorts softly at Sasha's comment, but he has to answer the apprentice first. Luckily, his answer is succinct. "No." He takes a half-step back, not quite abandoning the miner but certainly vacating his spot at the front of the booth, so other people (though there's still no one waiting) can step into the spot if they want. "Just coming could pay off, Caucus graduate sounds pretty good long as the school stays in good sight with your craft. Problem with it, there, your reputation's staked on the people in charge still thinking it's a good thing - beneficial." He pulls that last word up after a pause to search for it.

"Well, it has left me wondering if it'd be a good or bad thing should Master Janardan retire before I return." Sasha grins at this and snaps his fingers. "Good if it were someone more progressive, but at the same time would be longer until I could get that post for myself." He winks to accompany his words, he's just a good old boy who may have ambitions, but doesn't work so hard on them. He eyes those boots again and chuckles at the apprentice. "Sorry there, lad. I'd bring something in a less garish color next time were I your master." He steps a few paces away from the counter just in case someone does want to buy something.

"Plenty of shoemakers around," Reyce comments as he, too, steps away from the booth. Sticking his hands in his pockets, he eyes the area, apparently scanning the nearby booths for another such. "He's Master doesn't mean you can't have input. Maybe not as Journeyman," Reyce concedes, pausing to glance thoughtfully at Sasha. "Don't know your craft well but what I hear, could see it might be hard - get noticed. In theory, though, can always pull the strings. You got here somehow," he points out finally. He spies another cobbler's booth, though this one lacks a craft symbol, and tips a hand towards it to let Sasha know that's where he's going, and give him the choice of whether or not to go there also.

Hanging out with a teacher seems to be acceptable to the miner for he nods and will follow along after showing his hands into the pockets of his trousers. "I'm not interested in that. I mean, leading from behind and all. Guess it's a young man's folly and I've been told I'm too old to be a student let alone a young man, but I had the dream since before I was an apprentice. Likely to happen? Not really, but could. Could if I'm lucky and work hard enough. Dunno, guess I can just wait and see. Do my work and all. Getting noticed is why I am here." Sasha watches a pair of young girls go by with a considering look, but he doesn't try to get their attention.

Reyce glances at the girls as well, but he's more interested in his shoes just now, so he presses by them. "Meant while you're waiting," he explains, the words drifting over his shoulder as he dips through the crowd. "Had to get noticed to get here in the first place, would think somehow you can use that to get things you want done in the hall. Pass your ideas up the line, don't have to wait for Janardan to step down to see your stuff get used. Know it can be done with holds, don't know it works so good with crafts."

"Well, it's doable. Can lead from behind in just about any situation I imagine be it hold, hall, or weyr. It's just...Just not my idea." Sasha shrugs, but grins as he does so. "Too straight forward for my own good is what I am. Straight talkin' and all." As for getting noticed there's an amused chuckle. "Well, truth is, family's been in the craft a long time. That helps a lot, you know. And, well, I stand out. Damned good at what I do."

Reyce glances back at Sasha when he speaks of standing out, as if expecting to find some obvious physical deformity that he'd missed before. Finding nothing, he turns his attention forward to address the cobbler, giving his measurements again and this time specifying either plain leather or black. "Okay," brings him back to the miner. "Won't do anything if that's not how you work, it's not your thing to pull strings. Supposed to help the students, though, give suggestions if I can." He shrugs, planting both hands on the stall-counter before him while he waits for the cobbler to find something.

The cobbler busies himself rummaging for plain leather boots. He mutters to himself as he does so, perhaps repeating the measurements so he doesn't forget them. "I appreciate the help, sir. I'm here to learn and even though it's not my thing it's something to keep in mind to watch out for others doing." Sasha nods at this comment and folds his arms back over his chest now that he's not busy walking. "Here to learn everything I can. It's all pretty interesting although I admit I'm quite lost in those etiquette classes. Not something we focused much on when learning the trade I admit."

"Anwyn's got good thoughts on etiquette," Reyce responds, although the muttering of the cobbler has captured his (bemused) attention. "You're getting lost don't think it'd hurt to talk to her, know sometimes etiquette teachers are annoying. Focused on you learning the right fork only." He takes one of the boots that the cobbler, still pawing through his wares, hands up to him, and turns it around as he inspects the quality of the thing. "Think that kind of etiquette's pretty useless," he admits.

"The proper fork is something I figure one can be reminded of before any meal with a good friend or helper at my side." Sasha laughs as he looks at his hands and waggles one of them like he's holding a fork. "I will admit I've spent more time on my other studies than worrying overmuch about etiquette. Perhaps if I continue to be annoyed by some of the things I shall seek her out. I thought to save my hassling of the instructors until I was more established." He watches the cobbler and then examines the boot that Reyce looks at.

The boot's of surprisingly good quality, considering the general disorderliness of its maker: the seams are tight and the leather seems well-treated. Reyce picks up the other one and retreats to a small stool nearby, his back turned towards the miner as he works on untying the laces of his current, fancy boots. "No point," he grunts, yanking one of them loose. "Somebody's going to feel hassled, then they're going to be that way whether you're established with them or not." Behind him, the cobbler stacks up another pair of boots, ready in case Reyce rejects the first one. This is going to be a long process, clearly.

Sasha watches the whole boot process for a moment with a thoughtful sort of expression before he shrugs his shoulders. "Just my way, sir. Ain't got any other one so I suppose I'll have to make do." He straightens up and jams his hands into his pockets once more. "Speaking of making do, think I'll be going to check out a few things and see if I can afford them. Was a pleasure talking to you, sir. I'll be seeing you in class. Hope those work."

Since the miner's leaving, Reyce leaves his boots - still on his feet, and waiting to be exchanged - alone for long enough to throw a glance back over his shoulder. "Yeah," he answers simply. "See you." As he returns to his footwear, he gives a nod of thanks for Sasha's parting good wishes.

party, sasha

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