For every eventuality

May 12, 2008 00:58

On the morning of the Gather, Reyce and Anwyn run into each other outside the hold. They make no plans.

5-11-2008 (Reyce, Anwyn):

Well, that's Lemos for you: the Harvest celebration opens on a cloudy gray morning, chill winds whipping the bright banners strung around the hold. At least it's not raining, and with luck it will stay dry the rest of the day. Reyce is up fairly early, bringing part of his breakfast outside with him as he emerges from the Great Hall with a cup of klah and surveys the grounds. Aside from a handful of students giving their friends and relatives tours of the Caucus, not many of the more foreign visitors have arrived yet.

Despite the early hour and the less than pleasant weather, Anwyn has taken up a post beside the doors to the Great Hall, not a hair out of place and likely minus any breakfast at all. She eyes some of the students and the visitors she doesn't know rather warily when no gazes are aimed in her direction, hanging back, for now. From the look on her face, it seems that she's well-aware that she should be playing a more active role. Still, she lingers by the doors all the same and nods to Reyce when she catches sight of him. "Good morning," she greets.

"Morning," Reyce answers, returning the nod also. He sidesteps to come up next to Anwyn, both of them now holding a post by the door as if they were part of the Caucus guards. "Got it done." He tips his mug at the celebration laid out before them. "Feel like the pressure's off yet?" After he asks, he takes a drink, but he keeps his eyes turned on Anwyn's response.

"Got it done, indeed," Anwyn agrees, glancing about the courtyard for the hundredth or so time to check that everything is still in place. She offers a somewhat crooked smile and a low bark of laughter in response to the question, gaze flicking back towards Reyce. "I fear I will not think the pressure is off until everybody is gone and I know there will be no unpleasant surprises or unexpected visitors..."

Reyce lowers his cup, breathing a sound laugh down into it. The steam off the klah puffs out, dispelled by his breath. "Know the feeling," he says, nodding his head once. "Had to do this kind of thing when I was in Benden - plan Gathers - and never knew what was going to turn up. Except that probably something would." He snorts, casting a quick, squinted glance up at the clouds overhead.

"I'm not certain whether I'm more alarmed by the thought of the 'what' or the 'who'..." Anwyn mutters, eyeing the nearest figure she should recognize, but doesn't. "Hatchings tend to turn into a free for all... Not like this," she adds. "...Though as long as Kalinda does not appear to check up on me, I think I might just be able to relax a little." She shrugs and exhales slowly. "Nobody can plan for every eventuality, I suppose."

Reyce shakes his head, a corner of his mouth twisting up in a wry smile. "Guy I used to work with always said, you expect the unexpected. Ready to deal with things, but you don't worry what they'll be. Hn." A little morning sound, that one, as Reyce clears a bit of phlegm that was making his voice scratch. "It's going to be a big thing," he continues, a shift in tone warning that he's picked up another topic. "You don't think Kalinda'd show up for that?"

"Expect the unexpected," Anwyn repeats under her breath, inclining her head, though it's tilted backwards and her gaze aimed at the sky soon enough. "Of course she will," she states, bluntly. "I can only hope that she does not. Or, rather, I can only hope that I can avoid her long enough so as to make it seem that she was never here. There is much to be done, so..." With a shake of her head, she sighs again. "You must think me rude. I owe Kalinda a great deal and yet... Well." The rider stops, lips pressed together in a thin line.

Reyce's non-klah-holding hand stretches out, the palm briefly upturned. A 'that's okay' sort of gesture, it would seem. "Think we've talked about that before," he says. "See where you're coming from. Frustrating when it's something you've worked for and want to help, but you're stuck watching. Not going to judge you for being sour on it." He sniffs, clearing his sinuses against the running effect of the steam off his klah.

Anwyn nods. "Most likely," she says. "No point in harping on about it, either," she amends, more to herself than to Reyce. She clasps together another hook on the tunic she has on over her Gather dress and shivers. "I hope the weather improves..." she murmurs, eyeing the sky again. Stretching a little and throwing her shoulders back, she asks, "So, is there anyone on the Holder side of things I need to look out for? I appear to still be catching up in that department."

Reyce was about to take a drink, but he pauses to clarify that question, glancing at Anwyn. "You mean, to mess things up?" He sneaks in a sip, then adds in a low tone, "My father'll be here, but can keep an eye on him for you. Try to." The wry humor in his voice is soft, almost undetectable, so he follows that up with a deliberate snort. /Then/, he gets to drink his klah.

Anwyn smiles slightly across at Reyce, amused. "I did mean in general, but if you insist on pointing out potential troublemakers," she answers in a droll tone. Teasing, maybe. "The last thing I need is to put my foot in it with someone I should know and cannot quite place." Well, she /has/ been out of the game this past turn or so. "I should think the Headmaster has his work cut out for him today. So many people to talk to, trying not to exclude anyone by accident."

Reyce takes her tease with a bit of a smile, which shows up briefly at the edge of his klah mug and then disappears again when he swallows his drink. "Brought it on himself, if it's trouble - was his idea to throw this thing." He tugs his chin at the rest of the decorated courtyard. He shrugs, though, accepting the Headmaster's social ambition. "But don't know what to tell you, who to look out for. All of them've got their things and think they're important." Another shrug.

"Well, that would be the aim of the game, in a way. Making them think they are all important. It might get us somewhere, at least," Anwyn comments, expression a little glossed over. "Let's hope our dear Headmaster gets what he wants out of all this, not himself in a greater tangle." She smirks. "Though I do not envy anyone who dares to wake him any earlier than usual tomorrow." Her concentration is drawn from Reyce by a student who appears to be waving her over. The instructor sighs and plasters her game face on. "Perhaps I will catch you later," she finishes, thrown over her shoulder as she's somewhat reluctantly drawn away.

Reyce snorts, though his eyes have already moved past Anwyn to that student who's becknoning for her. "I'll be around," he says, lifting his free hand a little to send her off with a short wave. Finishing his klah in the next sip, he turns around to bring it back to the kitchens inside.

party, anwyn

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