(no subject)

Jul 20, 2006 20:51

Okie dokie, then, say hello to J'cor-who-is-my-alt. And because he is new (and though I am tired), I have edited his first scene that I may post it. (I'm also behind on several of Reyce's logs - not to play favorites, but J'cor is new so he gets to go first.)

7-20-2006 (J'cor, Miniyal, Kianda, Naros, Endilan, Aida):
The bathing cavern is divided into a number of large pools, each spacious enough for ten to fifteen people. There is one cold-water pool with the remainder being given over to water warm enough to fill the air with swirling clouds of steam. Each pool has been tiled in blue and white and boasts benches along the sides to allow people to sit and soak. Alcoves in the walls have been hollowed out to provide places to store clean, dry towels and various other bathing paraphernalia.
The corners of the room have been decorated with potted ferns, brought here from Ista Island. They are pampered and fussed over by the staff who keep the baths clean and stocked. The plants provide a cheerful splash of color in an otherwise pale and steamy cavern.

Obvious Exits:
Out (O)

Late in the evening is usually a good time for a quiet bath, while everyone else is out to dinner. Today, however, that seems to be everyone else's idea, and the place is filled almost to the brim with chattering bathers. J'cor enters, looking sharp and alert though with dust on his skin and clothing, just as a group of giggling Caucus girls exit their bath en masse. The Igen rider disrobes in a hurry to take advantage of their spot.

The best time to get the baths to yourself in the middle of the night. Then everyone is sleeping, or not, in their beds. But, for reasons known only to her, Miniyal is here now. And now that those caucus girls are gone she relaxes a fraction and doesn't look quite so annoyed. She's submerged to her neck, wet hair sticking to her face until she pushes it off and back with a sigh. Born and bred in a weyr, the whole bathing thing doesn't bother her and she certainly doesn't bother with clothes. Nor does she try to duck and hide when people arrive and depart. Except those caucus girls. Stupid featherheads.

Kianda moves swiftly to one side, clutching a towel to herself as the caucus girls sweep by. Shaking her head a bit, she continues on into the cavern, only to stop in dismay at the crowd. "Oh, lovely," is muttered between her teeth. With a grimace, she tries to find a shadowy spot along the wall.

Naros enters with the slightly ruffled, and trailbeaten look of a recent arrival. He lets out a slow breath and then inhales the steamy air. Naros's eyes flicker about for a moment, he flashes a placid easy smle towards the exiting Caucus girls. He makes a slight face as he starts to remove the dusty looking clothing to fold it quietly in a spot and placing his towel slightly to the side, before he starts to make towards one of the warm pools to soak in. His eyes curiously studying those around.

A loud sneeze is heard along with the clunking of boots, and sure enough, Endilan enters the room with bloodshot eyes and a hand over his mouth. Looks like someone's caught a cold, and judging from the scowl on his face, he's none too happy about it. Lost in his own world, Endilan doesn't even notice anyone else's presence in the room as he walks over to the side of one of the warmer pools, strips, and slides in. "Mmmmmmm." He sighs, content.

J'cor pauses only to ensure that there's enough soapsand before going to the Caucus-emptied bath. As he slides into the waters, he offers a general "Good evening" to his bath-mates, appearing not to consider nudity a barrier to polite conversation.

Miniyal stops scrubbing at ink stained fingers long enough to look up. "Hello," is mumbled quietly because someone's mother taught her to be polite. Even when naked. There's no smile to accompany the words but at least her tone is not quite as harsh as it can be when she's working. Then she looks back down to peer at her nails to be sure the ink is gone from them.

Kianda fades into her chosen shadow to watch the others for a moment. Brow furrowed as she considers the bathers, she finally moves decisively to face the wall and disrobe. The girl lets her dress fall aside and hastily wraps a towel around herself before heading for the little pool. A twist here, and turn there, and she /tries/ to make sure she leaves the towel on the edge of the pool in time with dipping beneath the water until it reaches her chin. It's not that easy though. "Er. Hello...?" She trails off, lacking a name or title for the woman- and it's hard to discern rank when everybody's naked.

Naros offers the same easy placid smile that he offered to the girls nodding to J'cor and then the rest, "Evn'n." He murmurs with a slight almost drawl. His movements are slow and deliberate as he eases into the warm pool and lets out a slow low sigh of pleasure as he sinks into the pool dsiplacing no small amount of water. He takes a moment and then starts to scrub the dirt of travel from his skin. His eyes flicker with light amusement as Kianda goes from clad, to towel to water without any showiness.

"Shards," Endilan mutters under his breath as he snaps out of his little stupor to finally notice the others. It's mainly the girls that make him tense, and though his cheeks were already flushed from the cold, they burn even redder now. He throws out a "good evening" before turning around and sinking deeper into water. Drowning is sounding pretty fantastic right now. Yaaay drowning.

J'cor stretches an arm behind him, picking up a bar of soapsand and beginning to scrub his pits. Each greeting receives a genial smile and a nod when it is offered, though Endilan gets a bemused look for his sinking. "I trust you are all well?" J'cor inquires further, game to keep the conversation going. Silence is the enemy of good breeding.

Now see? When you do that it just draws attention to you. Acting out of places makes people look. Which is why first Kianda and then Endilan get odd looks from Miniyal who then nearly smiles. "New people," she says quietly to herself with a nod. "Well enough," she says with a nod to J'cor. "Really, people. Everyone's seen it and more so many times it's no big deal. Acting embarrassed or something? Just makes people notice you more. Act like you don't care and no one even sees you." Social advice. From the recluse.

Kianda's gaze flips downward, and she starts to sink further down, but drowning would be bad, so she stops. "I haven't seen it," she mutters, her eyes lifting slightly, only to find Endilan. She tries not t stare. She really does. Realizing after a few seconds that she's doing so anyhow, the young woman gratefully seizes a handful of soapsand to concentrate on scrubbing herself. "But I'll keep that in mind, ma'am."

Naros seems vaguely off in his own world humming a light tune to himself (not particularly well) as he scrub scrub scrubs away. Naros' skin is clearly darkened from long hours in the sun, and heat, more than that he's got the occasional pock mark on his arms that say he might have been caught by sparks and the like. Not particularly in the conversation he seems content at least for the moment with his own devices.

Endilan turns his head for a moment, listening to Miniyal. In doing so however, he catches Kianda's stares and snaps back around. "'M not trying to act embarrassed. Just happROO!" He cuts himself off with a violent sneeze. He sinks again, less out of embarrassment this time; his purpose now seems to simply blow bubbles into the water. A bit childish, yes, but it entertains him and seems to be putting him a little more at ease in the waters.

J'cor coughs lightly into one hand at Miniyal's advice, but there's a smile tugging at his lips. Overhearing her quiet words as well, he deflects tactfully: "Oh, are some of you new? Here for the Caucus, I would assume. And how do you find it?" Mindful of the discomfort for some of them, he does not let his gaze linger on any one person, or move any further down than their eyes. This is particularly difficult to maintain in the case of Endilan, whose sneeze (and subsequent behavior) draws a look of genuine concern from the bronzerider. "Sir, are you quite all right?" There's no deference in that 'sir,' only the polite use of a title.

Miniyal's draw down into something of a scowl and she sighs as she sinks a little deeper into the water, mouth barely above the waterline so she can speak. "Great. I'm a ma'am," she mumbles to herself. "Perfect day." Shaking her head she ducks under water to rinse out her hair again, reappearing and then wringing it out to push over one shoulder. Since she's not the sort for eye contact she just watches what she's doing. Wrinkling her nose she sighs. Blowing bubbles. After sneezing. Unclean! Plague!

"Yes, sir. I mean, no, sir," Kia doesn't look up from her scrubbing, but she tries to be polite. And J'cor's old, so he definitely rates a 'sir'. "Not the Caucus, that is. It's a long story," she finally gets out in a rush, before looking over to blink at Miniyal. "Not a ma'am?" The young woman hesitates, then offers, "I'm Kianda. I'm happy to call you by name if you'd rather, maaa-a-a-y'know. Yes."

Naros can't help but laugh lightly as he catches bits of Miniyal's mutter. His laugh isn't what one might call.. subtle. A bright booming laugh that rather fills the area around him. He does offer towards the rest of the group, "Yeah Ah'm here for the Caucus, just arrived, an' I think I've brought most the dirt between here and Smithcraft Hall wi' me." He admits wryly as he continues to scrub, and then adds, "Ah'm called Naros." He offers then again giving his placid smile.

"It's okay. Better thad home," Endilan replies, a boy of few words and now a stuffy nose. "And I'm fide. Warb baths help whed I'b sick." He continues soaking in the bath with his back turned to the others. As a result, he doesn't catch Miniyal's reactions to his bubbles. He stops, though, presently happy to just sit and attempt to relax.

J'cor has started so many strings of conversation that he positively beams at his success. Of course, it would be rude not to answer them all, and this - the balancing of obligations - is where it gets fun. He starts with a chuckle at the smith. "I'm afraid I've brought a good deal of my home with me, as well - J'cor, of Igen," he introduces. "Quite a pleasure to meet all of you - Kianda, Naros, - ?" He smiles helplessly at Miniyal and Endilan, whose individualized attention must wait until they give their names, then "ahhs" at the latter's explanation of his actions. "I do hope you feel better soon, then." A pause, then a smile shared round the bath. "I should be very inclined to hear your story, Kianda, if you are ever inclined to tell it. Since you have not come for the Caucus, perhaps you could tell me what your work is?" A way out, should she prefer not to speak of the past.

Miniyal wipes water from her eyes and tilts her head back to look steadily up over head. "Miniyal," is mumbled by way of greeting. Sitting up a little straighter she adds, "Head of records here," because hey when one has a title it never hurts to show it off. Or something. "Umm. Anyway, it's no big thing and nevermind." Sure, sitting naked with strangers in the water, no big deal. Just don't make her talk to them. "Welcome to High Reaches," is added as a sort of afterthought. Thrown out there as it was to, well, anyone who wants a welcome.

Kianda blinks at the sneezer, forgetting to think about his lack of clothes. "You. Need tea. And soup," she says firmly, before casting a tentative look sideways toward J'cor. "Well met, I'm sure. To all of you, that is." She glances briefly and longingly toward her dress as she answers confidently, "I'm the best needle this side of Nerat, sir. Mending, for now, but I can make clothes too." A tiny smile appears when her gaze goes to Miniyal. "Thank you. Miniyal. I'll remember that."

Naros glances towards Miniyal and smiles, offering a light, "Thank ya." He sighs taking one fairly large hand to cup some water and pour it down his face and over shaggy hair, before letting out another booming laugh at Kianda's description of her work. A glance towards Miniyal as he looks at her trying to decide what kind of work records might be, and Head of it does sound somewhat important. He pauses a moment and then asks of Miniyal, "Do you teach?"

"Endilan. Thank you, sir." He takes care to return the honorific; he's never been called "sir" before, especially not by someone probably more than twice his age! He perks when Kianda speaks, and suddenly musters enough courage to turn back around. "Derat, did you say?" He cocks his head a little, his expression still surly but his eyes curious.

"Endilan," J'cor repeats, committing the name to memory with a smile. Then he inclines his head at Miniyal's welcome. "Thank you, mi-niyal." He remembers her dislike of being called a title just in time to appreciate how much the two first letters of her name sound like the two first letters in 'miss. "Head of Records - quite a busy job, I'd imagine." Kianda's statement draws a moment of raised brows from him, but his expression is just interested, not doubtful. "Is that so? Well, then I wish I were staying long enough to commission something from you. I am in need of a good vest," he confides.

"Oh, no," Miniyal is quick to answer when asked about teaching. "I don't work for the caucus, I work for the weyr." A distinction that seems important to her. "It's not. . .well, not real busy. I keep busy. Anyway. Umm. Yea. Nice to meet you." At the end of her conversational rope it seems she sinks into the water a little more and goes quiet, stealing curious looks at the people who are talking.

Kianda lifts an eyebrow at Naros' laugh, her gaze settling firmly on him, and she sits a little straighter in the water. She doesn't say a word to him- she just gives him a look of challenge before her eyes move on to Endilan. "Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to be imprecise. This side of Nerat. I'm from Nabol, myself. I take it you're Neratian?" Looking around toward J'cor out of politeness, she inquires, "How long are you going to be here? A vest isn't exactly difficult. Just cut, sew, and hem. Unless you're looking for something fancy, sir?"

Naros ahs at Miniyal's words. He inclines his head mildly, "Of course." He offers as he returns to scrubbing. He blinks then as he gets a gaze settled on him peering back at Kianda curiously for a moment. Otherwise he seems content to settle into the background once more for the moment.
"Greystode Hall. Just studied farbcraft at Derat." Endilan focuses completely on Kianda's face, refusing to look any lower while attempting to recall whether he'd seen her before or not. Now that he's facing this way again, he takes a look at the other participants in the conversation. He blinks in Miniyal's direction, observing similarities between his and her body language--not that he's really looking at her body. Neither seem to be particularly open to socializing, keeping to themselves unless spoken to. He almost cracks a smile in amusement, but it comes off more as a weird little slant at the side of his mouth.

J'cor shows no sign of noticing Miniyal's increasing awkwardness, only smiling graciously at her. "You, as well." He has been a little deficient in the scrubbing department, distracted by his own sociability, but now he remembers to pick up the activity again. He waits until after he's spoken to Kianda - "I don't consider myself particularly fancy, but I /am/ only here for a sevenday." - to go below the belt, but one does have to clean down there eventually, so while he doesn't announce himself, he's not really hiding it either.

Miniyal was, it seems, just relaxing in the baths when people arrived. There's no cleaning from her so she must be done. Who'd have thought she'd linger somewhere like this. Still listening to the general conversation she chews on her lower lip and seems to be at least trying to keep track of what is being said by whom. "Why're you here?" is blurted out in J'cor's direction before she can stop herself. Nosy or curious. Either way the question is out before she can retract it and she ducks under water a second as if that will help people forget she spoke. Or might have if she'd stayed under longer. Instead it just splashes the water about near her.

But Kianda has been neatly distracted, and she moves forward through the water abruptly to take a seat nearer J'cor, never really realizing what his hands are doing underwater. "A simple vest'd only take three days, and that's very much a maximum, depending on what kind of free time I have. What did you have in mind? Something to match your dragon, perhaps, sir?" She glances around toward Endilan, intrigued, her gaze passing dismissively over Naros. "Farmcrafting in Nerat? That must be challenging. Isn't the climate there rather... well, harsh? Granted," she chuckles, "I'm no expert at geography." Then she looks back at J'cor, curious. "Only a sevenday? If I might be so bold, sir, are you here for the Caucus yourself? That doesn't seem like a very long time to absorb whatever it is they're teaching up there." A flip of her hand, upwards toward the classrooms, then she glances, startled, toward Miniyal, and abruptly grins. "What she said."

Naros blinks as Miniyal ducks under water post speaking. He shakes his head quietly murmuring to himself, "Strange." He does give another slightly wider smile as Endila names the hall. He goes back to humming his mild tune as he scrubba dub dubs, and glances about again. Clealry he needs a rubber ducky.

Aida steps in from the lower caverns.
Aida has arrived.

"Weather's on and off. If you can get some greenstuffs to live in the nastier climates, you can do it anywhere." There's more enthusiasm in his voice now, and despite his somewhat ailing state, his eyes are positively /twinkling/. "Had a good teacher, too. Jourdeyman by the dame of Dalen, if you dew 'im. Oh!" He blinks, suddenly remembering something. "Ub, Kianda, how buch free tibe /do/ you have?" He looks to the side a little nervously.

J'cor seems flattered, not at all offended, by their interest in his mission. "Ah, well," he begins with the air of a storyteller, "I am indeed not come for the Caucus, but for a discussion of transfers. With Thread, of course, it is quintessentially important that Weyrs learn each others' techniques, and what better way to do so than from riders who have practiced them?" He smiles at everyone near him - isn't it a good idea? - and stops on Kianda. "So, yes, I am only here for a sevenday, to see whether any transfers are feasible at this point. If you think you could make a vest in that time, I'd be delighted to bring back some souvenir of my visit to High Reaches. Something - in cream and brown, perhaps? I leave the design of it to you."

Miniyal is not strange! She just has socialization issues. Which sometimes manifest themselves in weird ways like dunking under water in the baths so she might avoid drawing attention to the fact that she asked a question. She's such a Nosy Nellie though. Glancing at Naros she shakes her head a moment for some reason known only to her. Fumbling behind her she grabs a comb kept by a towel and a pile of clothes that are probably hers, one could guess. Running it through her hair she looks to be preparing to maybe flee. Humming quietly, under her breath, she lets the conversation flow around her. She has no opinion on growing crops, fighting thread, or sewing vests.

Kianda scrambles out of the pool to rummage in her crumpled dress. Finding her belt pouch, she finds stick and worn hide to scribble on. "Cream and brown. Certainly. Er," she looks up at J'cor. "Where're you from, sir? Fort'll get ya something lined, Ista the opposite, for example. And yes, that does seem like a very good idea. Are you looking to transfer people here, or the other way around, or a mix of the two?" She turns a curious look toward Endilan. "Er. Well. It's not like they overwork us here. Did you need something sewn too?"

Looking to be about half asleep still, Aida shuffles her way into the baths. Odd schedule for this one. There's a brief pause given at the makeup of the rest of the people present, but it doesn't last long; she eventually shuffles over to grab a towel and head to a bench, plopping down to start on the process of hauling off boots and clothing and all of that fun stuff. Yaaawn.

Naros watches Kianda scramble out of the pool for a moment then back to scrubbing listening to the conversation contently. Quickly though he seems to get distracted looking around the room hrmphing, "Wouldn't be so hard... moving the water around... mixing the hot and the cold... be troublesome though. I suppose you could build a little of it up... but moving it up and down would be hard... side to side isn't so bad." He looks like he's thinking about redesigning the room.

Oh no oh no, more girls! Stay cool, Endi, /do not be embarrassed/. He thinks this to himself as he sees Aida come in. He tries especially hard to focus on his present conversation, especially seeing as he actually kind of knows the newcomer. He tries to distract himself by taking a more active part in the conversation than he would normally otherwise. "Are you transferring anyone here, J'cor, or are you only looking for those to transfer elsewhere?" Focus, focus. "Oh, um, I need a lot of things," he replies, a little bashful. "I'm growing."

J'cor averts his eyes politely as Kianda emerges from the pool. He has, by now, finished cleaning up his nether regions, which is all to the good. "Igen, miss," he answers Kianda. More generally: "We are hoping the transfers can go both ways: that way Igen can learn from High Reaches, and High Reaches from Igen." He overhears part of Naros's murmurings and glances at the smith with an inquisitive tilt to his head. "This is really quite a loving bathing area, don't you think? It must take a lot of effort to keep those plants alive with all this steam and heat - or am I wrong, Endilan?" A smile for the farmcrafter, taking no note of - or perhaps trying to distract him from - his embarrassment. "Perhaps that is just what such plants require."

Miniyal, luckily, is not bothered by more people coming in. So long as it's not annoying giggly caucus girls. Those would demand a hasty strategic retreat. As it is she does notice the new arrival once she's got her hair combed and then pinned up with that same comb. Sinking back down for a final soak before fleeing she glances at those speaking. Chewing on her lower lip she inspects her fingernails and then picks at a bit of ink that hasn't come clean yet. Still nothing to say, maybe she's saving her comments up for something profound.

Kianda notices neither Naros' looking at her nor her own lack of clothes, her mind firmly on sewing to be done. She gives Endilan a surprised look though. "Oh! Well, you can draw from stores for regular clothes- just ask the Headwoman and her staff. Anything special, of course, I'd be more than happy to whip up for you." She continues to take notes. "Unlined. Gotcha. I think I can come up with something suitably souvenirish for you, sir," she assures J'cor, and sets to dickering. "Cost ya a mark, of course. Materials and labor."

Clothes come off, towel is wrapped around her body and tucked just so, and then Aida slips over to the pool with the cluster of other people. Yawn. There's a general nod for everyone, and then she's dropping the towel as she slides down into the water over by Miniyal. "Miniyal," she greets the woman by name. "Hello." Sinking down into the water, she ducks her head briefly before coming back up, hands lifting to rub water back out of her face, some of the sleepy starting to fade away.

Naros's attention is drawn towards J'cor and Endlian again. He hrmphs, "There must be a better way to keep them alive, more than just tending them by oneself. I'm sure you could rig soemthing to give water tot hem appropriately, and evenly." He eyes the plants now thoughtfully like one might a puzzle. As Aida approaches and slips into the water his attention is distracted glancing over towards her curious for a moment then back to the plants and then to the cielings as if trying to work out how to get it. He frowns, "Although if the water is lower it might be rather hard to move it up to the plants. Hmm. I suppose someone could pump it each day for watering and it could slowly go out." One damp hand goes out to the rock nearby and he begins tracing figures to the side of the rock as he thinks.

Endilan brightens at Kianda's advice. "I never realized. I'll be sure to ask her soon. It's been ... difficult to find things since I've gotten here. Especially green. Snow and all." He nods in regards to Naros's suggestion. "It's all about setting up a good irrigation system," he explains. "Though I'd rather not go into detail. I doubt it'd be of much interest." He frowns, then, as if remembering other instances of his enthusiasm wasted upon disinterested ears. Farming is, to Endilan's confusion, somehow not one of the more popular crafts.

J'cor greets Aida's arrival with a genial smile. "Hello, miss." He glances at Miniyal when the woman is named, but his words are aimed for Naros: "A little elaborate, I would say - but quite ambitious." This is not a bad thing, with him. Kianda's prices register with him belatedly, and with a few quick blinks he looks over at her, forgetting to notice she's naked. "A mark, you say?" J'cor furrows his brow, evidently worried by the request, and slowly shakes his head. "No, I'm afraid I can't spend on full /mark/ on it. I am sorry I must seem to back out of our agreement, and of course it's no reflection on your skill, but that /is/ out of the question." He smiles apologetically.

Miniyal blinks several times and rubs water from her eyes that probably isn't there. Peering at Aida it takes a moment for her to place the other woman, but then she offers the briefest of smiles, so, like normal. "Aida, hello," she says politely. "Busy, umm, in here." Yes. That's conversation. Then she blinks again and looks at Naros. "I imagine the plants here get enough moisture from the air. And, well, I think probably, you know, they're picked to survive in here. Otherwise they'd always be replaced." Shrugging she falls silent once more. "Not like much grows here on it's own," she adds more to herself.

Kianda returns Endilan's brightening with an unfeigned smile. "You're quite welcome, of course." Her notes taken, she moves back to the pool, neatly sliding in to resume her ablutions. "J'cor," and she eyes the rider, her lips twitching as she suppresses a grin. "It's a matter of quality. You do get what you pay for. Though," and suddenly she doesn't seem very shy about her nudity at all, as she stretches a leg out, her leg appearing above the water as she rubs soapsand along her thigh, "I suppose, in the interests of supporting your project, I can let you have a deal I wouldn't give most. A half mark, perhaps? What do /you/ think would be reasonable, hmmmm?" Now that's a professional smile gracing her face.

Aida flashes a friendly smile over towards J'cor when she's greeted, giving a dip of her head to go along with it. No words are offered though, given there's a conversation in progress -- oh, bartering. There's a brief look of curiosity and interest before her attention comes back to Miniyal, and the woman is offered a grin. "It is," she agrees. "Very busy today, it seems. You are well, I hope?" There's a glance over towards Naros when Miniyal looks that way, too, but soon enough, her eyes come back. Smile.

Naros grins at J'cor, "That's what people always say, until they realise just how much time and energy it saves them. Then they wonder how they ever got along without it." He says while tapping his chin then thoughtfully, "Hmmm as for the plants. Perhaps. I'd have to know more about the plants, more likely ask someone who knows. That's the benefit of being here you know. In the end if you want to do something new it isn't going to be to help along another smith, it'll be to help out someone entirely differently." His finger still traces mild designs. He glances towards Kianda again as she haggles while her leg extends. He sniffs mildly and shakes his head ruefully. He gives a look kinda like one might give a youngster doing something amusing. "Clearly she needs to be married off with that sort of attitude." He murmurs absently.

Kianda's extended leg suddenly reminds Endilan of his current surroundings. Oh why'd she have to go and do that? He looks away, turning back around to conceal his blush, though it's not like he hasn't turned fifty different shades of red throughout the duration of his bath. "Uuuuugh," he groans, though it's not because of the girlflesh. His hands reach underwater to clutch his stomach. He leans against the wall of the bath for support, clearly not feeling his strongest.

J'cor gives the leg its due admiration in the form of a brief glance, then looks back at Kianda's face with a sparkle of amusement in his eyes. He's lived in a weyr too long to disapprove such behavior. "To be honest, I had thought more along the lines of a quarter mark, so that is still more than I expected. Given your generosity, though, and the no doubt excellent quality of the vest, perhaps we can compromise between our expectations? Three-eighths is an ungainly number, but no less respectable for that." Caught up in the bartering, J'cor forgets his efforts to micromanage the other interactions in the bath and focuses on Kianda.

Miniyal's head cocks over to one side as she glances at Naros. Shaking her head she directs her focus to Aida. Who will not make comments about marrying people off. "I'm fine," she says in her same 'polite trying to make conversation' tone. Well, it's that or just flee. It's not like she has many conversational settings. "I hope you're doing alright?" is asked after a moment of silence. Because one carries the conversation on with questions. Her attention flickers to Endilan and she watches a moment. "Don't be sick in here," she says before looking away.

Kianda, utterly unnoticing of Endilan's reaction, grins at J'cor, and laughs, settling down once more. "I think a quarter mark will suffice for both covering my costs and taking care of other... necessities," she allows. "Deal?" The young woman leans forward, extending a hand to shake on the bargain, though, abruptly, her gaze snaps sideways toward Naros, and her face blazes a bright scarlet.

"I'm alright, yes. Just about that, but what can one do? It's good to see you again," Aida tells Miniyal warmly, starting to sink down further into the water and letting herself relax more. "It's been a long few days, huh? Are you settling in to your new position well?" At least she's observant. The groan from Endilian snaps her attention over that way, concern and attentiveness promptly reflected in her face. "Have you been to see the healers? Are you alright?"
Naros glances towards Endilan he starts to shift as if moving to help him. He doesn't get out quiet yet though he does offer in his light drawling voice, "Want some help?" He watches frowning though murmuring absently to himself, "That's another thing need to make it easy to clean in case of accidents."

Endilan mutters "'m fide" before lifting himself out of the bath, quickly grabbing his towel and wrapping it about himself. "Thanks for your codcerd," he remarks dryly, the edge in his voice mostly aimed towards Miniyal. "Godda go back to bed," he says as he slowly throws his clothes back on. His brow furrows a little; he'd dress faster, but his stomach's got him too lightheaded to do anything especially efficiently. When he's done, Endilan grabs his towel and nods to all his acquaintances. "It was dice beeting you all." He starts towards the exit with heavy steps, though it looks like he might fall over at any moment.

J'cor leans forward as well, gripping Kianda's hand in a firm handshake. "Deal," he confirms, as he follows her gaze towards Naros. Not having heard the comment, he just arches a brow inquisitively - and then frowns at Endilan's apparent discomfort. "Sir," he calls after him, half-rising out of the baths. "Sir, I think you ought to see the weyr healers, immediately. I will escort you if you prefer -" meaning, go there or I'll haul you down there - "but truly, you do not look well."

"Oh. Yes," Miniyal replies and then Aida is spared a long and detailed explanation of what exactly Niya's been up to in the records room because she speaks to someone else. Lucky woman. Because she'd be happy to go on for some time about the systems being put into place there. The edge of Endilan's tone completely flies over her head. Like she's not even aware of any sarcasm. Maybe she doesn't get that sort of thing. It does require a certain amount of socialization after all. The concern for the sick one lets her retreat into silence again. Yay.

Kianda settles back once more on the seats beneath the water. She gives J'cor a faint nod of acknowledgement, though she's watching Endilan and Naros. And, in watching them, her gaze finds Aida, and, surprised at having not noticed her, she offers a pleasant nod, before looking back toward the pair.

Watching Endilan head off, Aida frowns faintly. Hey, he's leaving. She looks unconvinced that he's alright, but eventually settles back down all the same. There's a smile flashed towards Kianda in response to her nod, and then her attention swings back to the quiet Miniyal. "Sorry about that -- so. How *are* you settling in?" She is apparently a masochist of some sort, but she looks genuinely interested in the answer to her question all the same.

Naros frowns at Endilan with a momentary worry, then he shrugs his wide shoulders and seems to debate settling down. Instead he sighs and lowers his head dunking it into the water scrubbing his head and starts to slip out of the pool giving off a slight, "aaaaaah. Much better." He says feeling at least somewhat more or less clean. He flashes another placid smile at the group and drawls out, "Have a good evening everyone." As he starts to towel himself off.

Shaking his head, Endilan declines J'cor's offer. "I'b good. I'b a big boy." He pauses. "Though the idfirbary /is/ closer ..." If he's not going to let anyone accompany him, he'll at least take a little advice. He makes it to the door, to his own and most likely everyone's relief. "Thanks again. Good dight all," he trails off. Time to find a nice fluffy mattress to collapse upon.

J'cor subsides back into the water with a solemn nod, reassured by the Endilan's acquiescence. Naros earns another nod, and a, "To you as well, Naros. It was a pleasure." After he says this, the bronzerider dunks his head forward into the water. J'cor does everything by bits and pieces, and now it's time to wash his hair.

Miniyal seems happy enough to not worry about the sick person and looks back to Aida. Well, she asked for it, didn't she? "I'm settling in fine, yes. Most people are not causing any trouble over the new rules and I find it's making things much easier not just for the people who work there, but for those who come seeking information. There wasn't any way to be sure the information would remain there. I'm having to do some reorganizing." She doesn't really seem to notice people leaving now that she's on a proper subject. "Not that the system before wasn't adequate, but there's always room for improvement. Hopefully with things in place as they will be those who come after me will have an easier time of it."

Naros leaves the warmth of the Weyr's baths behind.
Naros has left.

Kianda peers after Naros and Endilan, especially the latter, then she shrugs a fraction of an inch and turns back to the others. And then finds, to her surprise, an underwater J'cor. Hmmmmm. The girl shifts sideways a bit, closer and almost behind him, ready when he surfaces again. She reaches for a handful of soapsand.

There's a brief glance cast after Naros, but Aida's attention soon swings back to Miniyal, and she grabs for a handful of sand and actually starts working at getting clean. Her attention doesn't waver from Miniyal while she does it though, the occasional agreeable nod given to indicate she's listening. "I'm glad you're not getting many troubles over the new rules -- but did you really expect any? They're perfectly reasonable. It makes it easier for everybody. What sort of reorganizing have you been doing?" There's a grin flashed. "I'd offer to help, but I expect you'd consider that more trouble than assistance. Still, if you *do* need anything, I am up for it."

J'cor does not notice Kianda's positioning, of course, because (wisely) he keeps his eyes closed while in public waters. When he resurfaces, his first thought is not to look around but to hastily scratch his hair forward, masking his receding hairline.

Head tilting to one side, Miniyal considers the whole soak and relax in the water thing she's had going on. The hair piled atop her head even seems to be starting to dry. Hardly usual one can guess for her to linger and actually talk for so long. "Well, some of the students can be pains about what they can and can't do," she says with a shrug. "Some people do expect to have everything ready just for them at any minute." Shaking her head she sighs and tries to tuck a loose strand of hair back up. "As for reorganization, just the way some things are stored and kept track of and how people work in there. It's not very exciting." To anyone but her.

"J'cor..." Kianda gestures slightly with her sandy hands. "You've got something in your hair. Let me get that for you, eh?" Not that she really waits for an answer before moving forward to, ah, 'help' him.

Aida casts a look over towards Kianda and J'lor, briefly smirking before she rolls her eyes and looks back to Miniyal. "Exciting, perhaps not," she agrees easily, her tone conversational. "Interesting, however, yes. I'm curious as to what sorts of changes you've made in the organization structure, and why -- just...well, just because I am. Would you be up to talking about it sometime?"

J'cor has this amazing ability, let's call it the Wingleader skill. Personable as he can be one moment, he can - in the blink of an eye - just as easily become a stern, imposing presence who speaks with the voice of authority. This is what he does now. Reaching up one hand, he blocks her efforts to 'help' with one arm, pushing away the offered soapsand. "Miss, I will have to request that you do not," he replies with level-headed dignity and Wingleader authority.

Miniyal glances over at the other two and then looks away. Antics. In the bath. Not something that is new to see, but not something she /wants/ to see. Instead she directs her attention on Aida and inclines her head. "Sure. I guess. We could, yea." Ack! "Just come by sometime. Or, well, yea. Anyway. I'd be happy to discuss it sometime." Which may or may not be the truth. But it sounds mostly truthful.

Kianda blinks, taken aback. She quickly stifles the surprise in her face, altering it to curiosity. "Certainly, sir," she murmurs, settling back to her seat once more to soap herself instead with a nonchalant shrug. "I must say, I'm wondering- you're looking into transfers- had you considered joining in that group yourself, sir?"

There's a brief flicker of amusement that touches her expression in reaction to J'cor's shift, but Aida doesn't comment on it or say anything. Instead, she just focuses in on her conversation with Miniyal. "I'll try to pick a time when you're not busy in there," she says, and then she grins. "It must be a relief for you to be the one in charge of how it's all handled, now -- far more ability to see that it all goes smoothly."

J'cor allows Kianda time to recover her expression, glancing coolly over his shoulder and picking up some soapsand of his own. He will soap his own hair. His reply, as he does just that, is as evenly polite as ever, without a trace of rebuke. "I can't say as I have, miss - it would be an honor to serve at High Reaches, but ultimately, that decision will be left up to the Weyrleaders. I am a Wingleader and, barring the trade of one of your own, it would leave Igen considerably in the lurch if I departed." He pulls off the statement without sounding egotistical, though no doubt he is being so.

Miniyal trails her fingers through the water and focuses on the conversation, not wanting to even know what's going on. Well, honestly, it's hard enough to converse without being aware of other conversations. "That's fine. I can, probably, take a break. I mean, I'm not always really busy. Well, not a lot. Now. But, yes. It does make it easier to be, well, it does sometimes. It's not. . .yes, well. Right."

Kianda nods amiably, briskly concentrating on her bath. "You've been a Wingleader for a long time then?" she wonders. "I'm guessing that you have plenty of experience in fighting Thread." Well, duh, at his age.

Aida's lips twitch; she can't quite help it. Still, it's only briefly and she does manage to school her expression into calm interest again as she nods agreeably to Miniyal's words as if she followed that perfectly. "That's good," she says. "And thank you in advance, for being willing to take a break to talk to me. What's your favorite thing to read about?"

J'cor has finished soaping up his hair, but he waits a moment before ducking under water again. "That I have. It has been -" he pauses to flick away a group of suds trickling too close to his eye - "fifteen turns, I believe, since I assumed my position. I suppose I have as much experience fighting Thread as anyone can, at this point - excuse me a moment." He dives his head under water again, though he's quite quick about resurfacing this time.

Miniyal misses a lot of what goes on in a conversation, focused as she usually is on not embarrassing herself too much in attempts to talk to other human beings. "A favorite?" she asks, blinking. "I don't, I mean, I don't really. . .well." Either she has something or she doesn't. Finally she looks down and shrugs her shoulders. "Nothing in particular. I don't get a whole lot of time to read things. I do spend a lot of time copying the oldest records. And, well, looking at maps. It's not reading, you know? But I like maps. I'm good at them."

Kianda's eyebrows flicker upwards at J'cor's comments. She nods amiably, then quickly glances around before attending to her own underwater cleansing.

"Maps are positively fascinating," Aida tells Miniyal quite seriously, sounding sincere. "I've gotten to look at a few that are just breathtaking recently, and it always just...it's interesting, to see the world put down on a hide like that, isn't it?" Scrub scrub scrub, she works on her legs. "Do you have a favorite part of working in records?"

J'cor repeats the steps from before, combing his hair forward to cover his brow the second he reemerges from the water. "There," he announces. "That was quite refreshing. Kianda, Miniyal," and he remembers to include her in the list, even adding a quick, apologetic nod to Aida - both to acknowledge her and to apologize for breaking in on her conversation - "it was a pleasure meeting you both. Kianda, where shall I find you when I am ready to pick up my vest?"

Miniyal worries at her lower lip and sinks a little farther into the water until her chin is just above the water so she can talk still. "I like getting to look at the records." And when her name is spoken she looks at J'cor and nods her head. "Umm. Yea. Nice to meet you," she says with a brief flash of a smile. Looking back at Aida she shrugs her shoulders. "The older ones, you know? And the maps. We get new ones sometimes."

Kianda ;'s brow furrows slightly, but she answers automatically. "I usually do my work down down in the lower caverns, sir. If it's evening, the living cavern."

Lifting a hand to wave to J'cor, Aida flashes a sunny smile in his direction. He's watched, but only briefly, and then she's turning back to Miniyal again. "Yeah, the old ones must be just...well, I hate to reuse words, but fascinating. That sort of stuff has always intrigued me. If you like maps, though, you should talk to Br'ce. He's got at least one in his personal collection that's...amazing. He'd probably let you see it no problem or anything."

J'cor nods to Kianda. "Very well, I shall search for you there before I go. Have a good evening, all of you." With a parting smile, J'cor climbs out of the bath and goes to towel off, dress up, and head out.

miniyal, naros, endilan, aida, kianda, j'cor

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