Jun 14, 2006 21:55
So Megan told me to do this. And if Whitney's allowed to 11 then I can get away with 12 short ones, right?
List ten twelve! things you want to say to 10 twelve!people.
1. Don't say who the people are.
2. Feel free to comment, but I'm not confirming or answering anything here.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same
*Number 1-3 are not for people who read livejournal*
1. Hearing your voice in my head helps me to sleep at night.
2. I really don't want to get in a kayak with you next week.
3. Did you ever determine the solubility of me in your life?
4. Stop being somebody else. You were good enough for me.
5. I hate how sometimes the new version is way better than the old one.
6. I don't think you're crazy and depressed. Sometimes I feel like that too.
7. Next year will be different without you. I wish you good luck, but I selfishly want to keep you here with me.
8. I don't understand how you possibly have the saddest live journal entries ever, but are the happiest person to talk to.
9. I wish I were more like you. [But then I laugh about it later to myself.]
10. You're too much like people from the past, but I love you anyway.
11. I wish we talked more--like last summer.
12. You don't fool me.
Determine what color you are to me...determine the sentiment...determine your own to say back.
And know that I love everyone I just reached out to with these words.
I now tag...