Title: For the Love of Orange Highlighters
Author: Reyane Hokkain (Nekoi Hiokans)
Fandom(s): Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester // Destiel
Summary: From a old prompt list of mine: Happiness. "Castiel can't really identify the fluttering feeling in his stomach, but he only gets it when he sees Dean."
Rating: PG
Notes/Warnings: There's nothing really here to warn against excessive amounts of fluff. The title of this comes from my weirdness and recent love of my orange highlighter. Also, AU after 5.22 - Swan Song, but does have blanket spoilers for season six.
For the Love of Orange Highlighters
They had averted the apocalypse almost 10 years to the day. Sam had gone to hell, but Dean had fought tooth and nail to get him back. And he succeeded, even if his soul hadn't come back right away, it followed soon enough.
But none of that mattered now. Not when they had a bright sunny day and not a supernatural being in sight. Dean liked these days. He especially liked spending these days with a certain ex-angel.
Castiel had been resurrected by God after Sam had jumped in the pit and been given a choice. He could either return to Heaven and help corral his siblings back into order, or he could become human and live the remainder of his days at Dean's side. He never even blinked as he demanded to be returned to Dean.
Dean, for his part, had bitched and moaned for a while about the angel giving up Heaven for him, until said angel shoved him against a wall and kissed him until he was too breathless to do much of anything else.
But seriously, enough about the past. More about the present and how a certain hunter has turned his ex-angel boyfriend into his personal pillow while he takes a mid-afternoon nap in the pleasant September sun while the former angel lets his thoughts trail.
Cas doesn't really get it, the fluttering feeling in his stomach. He's been feeling it for years now and only when he's around Dean. He tried to ask Sam about it a few times over the years, but Sam just smiles that secret smile of his and makes no move to help the former angel understand.
So, he just ignores it. Let Sam have his stupid smiles and giggling into a cup of way too expensive coffee that Cas wouldn't mind upturning on him once in a while. He'll just continue to laze here in the son with his favorite hunter and be happy, because that's all that matters.
But now that he thinks about it, maybe that feeling is hunger. Dean always did have a way of making Cas think about food."