Kharkov leaflet translated to English

May 20, 2014 15:54

Workers of Kharkov!

It's time for us, the workers of Kharkov, to have our voices heard:

There was a coup d’état in our country, the strike force of which were fascist-minded nationalist militants of «Maidan». Self-appointed gang usurped power in Kiev.

As result, we have a situation where rights and freedoms are not available for all citizens. «Democracy», freedom of speech, and legal protection are monopolized by the Kiev junta supporters. Laws protect only some people, and are completely blind when these «some» move to eradicate a dissident. Only they now have a right to have their own point of view, and all dissenters are called as «separatists-terrorists», paid «Putin agents», «bandits», «titushki» («rednecks») etc. Noticeably, this is always the first manifestation of fascism, and it is more dangerous than just normal fascist rhetoric.

Every weekend peaceful protests take place on Freedom Square in Kharkov, and it is necessary to participate in them in order to demonstrate our disagreement with the policies of the criminal gang entrenched in Kiev. The gang is pulling us to the abyss of war and poverty. The gang, every day is enforcing a machine of total terror against the people; starting from simple intimidation and doesn't stop even with murders. The gang has scheduled an illegal election for the president, who is actually already appointed by the United States of America.

We should not be falsely assured by the temporary «lull» in our town. The «lull» is the achievement of our insurgent brothers and sisters of Donetsk and Lugansk, who have tied the hands of the Kiev junta.

We are facing growing prices for medicines and other essentials; growing utility tariffs, and the recently announced plans to reduce salaries of state employees, along with the cutting of retirement benefits. These actions show us for whose account the new «power» wants to benefit, and how it will solve its financial problems - with the instructions of the International Monetary Fund.

«We lived in poverty, and then we were robbed» - that's the best description of our situation. That will certainly be the outcome of Kiev's pseudo-revolution for ordinary workers and state employees.

We should not acquiesce to what is happening. Our peaceful protest today is needed to meet each other, to unite, and to organize. The main strength of the workers is that we are the majority. We can not force anyone to consider of plight, until we understand this by ourselves, and until we make a statement of our strength.

Down with the «government» of the rebels, terrorists and impostors!

No illegal elections!

Come to the protest rally on May 25, Freedom Sq. at 11:30!

Committee of Workers’ Organizations of Kharkov.

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