Jun 21, 2005 15:55
Ok, so this might get a little long. I have a bit to talk about and nothing to do for the next half hour. So anyway, this weekend was a blast. Friday night was the annual summer gathering over at Shoe's house. We usually do this close to his birthday but seeing as how he'll be in D.C. at that time and all of his weekends are spoken for until he leaves it seemed most prudent to do it last friday. As is the case every year that we've done this gathering it seems that each time fewer and fewer people show up. Pretty soon everyone will have their own lives away from Indy and there will probably be no more gathering, and it will be sad. But life goes on. You just have to enjoy the company you're with while you still can and live in the moment and so on and so forth. It was very nice to see everyone though. The highlight of the evening was when Ruckman got wasted off of very bad chianti and started to give his opinions on the world of theater. Teresa also made the mistake of asking what mononlouge she should prepare for this Shakespeare workshop that she is going to in a couple of weeks. After the tenth time Ryan explained it I think it was pretty clear that she should do something as Portia from "The Merchant of Venice". Also comical was Ryan's demonstration of the effects of gravity on a weary intoxicated body which happened after everyone left.
I spent a good portion of Saturday going out and taking care of errands for my mom and myself. There were groceries and presents to purchase for fathers' day. That evening I went to see "Grease" at the Artist's Studio after talking to Marianne the previous night and realizing how many people I knew were in it. All I could say about the show was that it was definetly "Grease" and that the actors on stage were having fun, and in community theater that's really the only thing I look for is are the people on stage enjoying themselves, because if they're enjoying themselves then I will enjoy myself. After the show I had brief chats with all of the people that I knew, shared a few words with someone who I really haven't seen in a long time and despite missing talking to them had been to scared to contact, was attacked by my soul mate, and was invited to a small cast party, which I went to. Rebecca , Cap'n Two Beers, was a gracious host and, as always, a funny drunk, and it was nice to see Luke as well and rib him, as I always do, about Earl Scruggs.
Sunday was of course Fathers' Day. My dad got a new outfit and the first season of 24 from me and my siblings after I cooked a very spicy breakfast consisting of biscuits and gravy and honey dew. During the day I cleaned out some of the remnants of my old room and packed stuff into boxes. It always amazes me the stuff that I find that I either never knew I had or had completely forgotten about. There are also lots of memories that are brought back by looking through boxes of old crap. In a lot of ways cleaning out ones bedroom, at least for most of the people I know, is like digging up your past. After the glory that was cleaning out my room I tried in vain to get some songwriting done, but to no avail. I should still have a full CD done by the end of the summer though, I hope.
The rest of the crap: Operation size 32: Version 2.0, is starting to get into full swing. I can easily run three miles now without too much fatigue, and in the last two weeks I have already dropped about 4 or 5 pounds. I'm trying to drop at least 30 pounds by the time that school starts. Once that happens my mom has promised to take me out and start getting together a new wardrobe. She's been watching the makeover shows on TV and has decided that she wants me to dress like the men that they makeover. Seeing as how I have no money and would love to have better style I have no problem with letting her buy me clothes. The work week is already half over and I couldn't be happier. At the end of the week I have hanging out with Marianne on thursday night to look forward to and a weekend at John Olson's family cabin. Can't wait. Tchues!