Jun 14, 2005 16:09
One of those losers that spends most of his day on the internet. Can you blame me though. With not much else to do at work I am forced to find clever ways to entertain myself. What I have discovered recently are all of the message boards that exist on IMDb.com, which are a real nice distraction. The thing that amazes me the most are all of the fanatics and the little trivia games that they play with eachother. A lot of these people take these things very seriously and get really bent out of shape when someone doesn't know an answer or doesn't play exactly by the rules. Honestly, the whole thing makes me chuckle a little bit. Seriously though, I need to come up with a better way to use my time. I'm thinking that maybe I should use all of the empty boxes in my cubicle and the surrounding area to build a make-shift fort. Another thought I had was going through the phone book and prank calling anyone whose name is a palindrome. Maybe I could research the origins of "Fiddle Faddle". Who knows, maybe in my quest to keep busy I might inadvertantly discover a cure for cancer. Wishful thinking I know but still, that would kick ass.
I might be going to see Batman Begins tonight at midnight, it all depends on how I feel and if I really want to go to work tomorrow morning a complete wreck (that might actually make the day interesting). Adam and Ruckman presented me with an offer I'm going to have a hard time refusing. Oh well, I'll probably just go home, work out, eat some dinner, take a nap, and be perfectly fine in time for a midnight showing. It wouldn't be the first time that the three of us have braved a midnight showing being veterans of the second two Lord of the Rings movies and Star Wars episode 2. I just hope that I get to see some overweight comic book geeks dressed up like Batman, that would make the evening that much more special. Well look at that, it's quittin' time. Later all. Tchues!