Vota Alhambra

Jun 28, 2007 07:58

Set of Alhambra pictures, I ended up taking a lot so I'm likely to post more later. The Alhambra is the sight to see in Granada, on all the buses that go by and sugar packets I get served I get reminded to vote for it to be one of the wonders of the world. Because they're voting, you know. So if you've visited any of them, or just want to see the list of what's under consideration:
And please do vote for The Alhambra:

All this detail was done by hand, you can tell because although they keep the same pattern, each one is slightly different from the last.

The top of the Tower of Flags.

Still to be messed around with when I get home, a cool picture but my camera just couldn't handle the brightness. (Or I can't handle my camera, but, you know)

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