1. This was the 5 hour bus ride to Granada from Madrid. After a 2 hour flight from Paris to Madrid after a 10 hour flight from Atl to Paris. Plus that whole 6 hour difference thing, I was a happy camper without sleep.
2. The room I'm staying in with one other girl.
3. The detail of Spain, oh the detail.
4. This is Carmen's kitchen, where we religiously drop off plates for her to clean after our breakfasts of toast, jam, juice, and tea.
5. Her back porch, clothing lines, and small washer on the right.
6. The view. I love the clothes that hang from every window.
7. The back alleyway with gatitos living down below.
8. The street from my window, and oh the pleasure of motos wizzing past at 2 am. We also live up the street from a major hospital.
9. The cachurro, I still don't know his name. I just know he is timid and scared of us, and when caught peeking in the room, he jets out as quickly as dogly possible.
10. When ciesta comes around, the store fronts close and the hidden artwork emerges.
11. The atrium of the Centro de lenguas Modernas. In the window to the bottom left they have a secretary office with a system like the dmv. Take a ticket and wait for a station to open.
12. I have come to love grafitti. I'll post some better art I've found on the street later.
Hasta luego.