What's Left of the Workpile

May 10, 2012 13:51

Before I make yet another list of things I have to do (since the previous one's way down the page, I better make another one to prevent myself from getting distracted on LJ too much), I love the Face Down pv. Glad I decided to watch the full version before class, it was well worth me being 10min late XD

Can't wait to get home and dl the subbed MS performance. Everyone looks awesome in black *___*

Ahem. *smacks self for getting distracted anyways* To me, from me...here's my remaining workpile...

- BIO3810 field trip report due 14/5
- ENV3737 Assign 3 due 17/5
- CHM2951 field trip report due 18/5
- BIO3011 Project due 21/5
- BIO3810 Perhentians essay 24/5
- CHM2951 Assign TBA (like, what the heck...its practically finals and my lecturer hasn't told us anything bout this &^%$#)

- BIO2011 Quiz 2 TBA
- CHM2951 quizzes (2?) TBA

Yeap, 2 weeks(?) left till finals and my pile of crap work is still drowning me. Just what you need when you've got 6 papers for finals, with 2 being on the same day. Ish ish. And there's this small, but growing voice inside me that keeps reminding me that my final grades are prolly gonna be compromised since I'm only doing what I gotta do, and its freaking me out. Not to mention that the legal drugs (yesh, they're prescribed by the doc) I've been taking kept me in a state of stupor for 3 weeks. Assignments submitted then are most prolly just a load of crap. Mixed with drugged writing. Heh.

Oh wells, at least I had a satisfying 4.5hr karaoke session yesterday. And sushi. Not quite enough to release the future stress I'm about to be subject to next week though. Meh. Wonder if I can squeeze in another karaoke session before exams. Hee.

arashi, fandom, rant, real life, uni stuff, random

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