(no subject)

May 21, 2006 10:40

heres how it went...

so the huge chain broke off into small ones cuz the freshies were too slow. our boat ended up with henry's cuz they had a efficient paddling system while ours sucked like shit. they took us a bit closer then broke off cuz they got their boat from another dock; we paddled along.. our spinnning thingy in the back started to make knocking noises, and we were not moving forward a bit. then i noticed that the hole at the bottom on the boat that is supposed to drain water was actually spouting water into the boat = = how ironic. peter then leaned out to check the splashes at the end of the boat, the whole thing tilted to the left... KL tried to balance the weight and tilted to the right too much and we ended up pulling the both of them back into the boat.

so.. 400KG and some water made our boat sink.

we waved to james, who was near the dock already "JAMES!!!! WE'RE SINKING!!!!" but he smiled joyfully and waved us back

peter shouted out at the top of his lungs "WE'RE SINKING!!!! YOU WANT IT IN CHINESE?!?! 沉船啦!!!!!!"

that also didnt work, ppl on the dock just replied with a few giggles.
ppl on the boat: "mah deh, not a time to be funny"

peter: "= =... everyone put ur hands on your ears" he took out a whistle and blew on it hard.

the old man (the owner of the boat?) came over in a motor boat and saved us.. he took the back ppl off first (me, peter, and lee) and then KL, brian the rich were still on the boat. 200KG less, the water started to go out of the boat = =

after the old man pulled the boat back to the dock, lee joked "我們可以再繞一圈嗎?" everyone chuckled, after a moment the motor boat started speeding up and we went around the lake.
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