Jan 05, 2006 17:21
My favorite nemesis (unbeatable rival) is my friend Bro-Ham. Although our rivalry is not yet inchoate(fully shaped), we defiantly are ambivalent (opposite feelings). She is very fastidious (hard to please) and thinks she is éclat (great brilliance). Just looking into her eyes you can see the lampoon (malicious) stare she puts on everyday. If she ever decided to gambol(jump or skip about playfully) it would send the world into a cataclysm (devasting upheaval). There has been rare occasions when her beleaguer (harass) was abeyance (inactive). She dominates those that are philistine (lacking) and doesn't think twice about it. Usually you need to bring some picaresque (involving) friends to back you up. You have the carte blanche (full freedom)to stay and fight but most people opt (choose) to not even bother staying. It hasn't imbued (soaked through) yet that people are not malleable (being formed) and they can not be changed to do what you want. When we get her riled up she is not savior-faire (social competence) and then turns refractory (sutbborn) because she doesn't like it. Deep down inside we all know she is not debauch (corrupt morally). Just the sight of seeing her being nice would make anyone queasy.