Aug 15, 2009 20:51
In a recent class with an old woman, we were talking about movies. She mentioned that she had been completely baffled by the Matrix, which I wasn't surprised by. I'm not sure why, but I suddenly felt compelled to recommend Back to the Future. Maybe it was partly due to Dinosaur Comics? Regardless, she gave me her word that she would watch it. That is such a great film. For serious.
Also, I need to get a haircut soon, but I worry about my ability to communicate in Japanese regarding hair length. Hopefully I won't end up bald.
One of the Japanese foods I categorically refuse is eat is raw horse meat. I've had several people tell me it's delicious, but... Look, I'd be willing to try some kinds of raw meat. I might even try horse meat. But raw horse meat? Too far.
I need to start packing for my move at the end of the month. While I'm sort of looking forward to seeing more of Japan, I'm going to miss most of my students a lot. As the month progresses, more and more students will be leaving. Two of my favorites left this week, and it's frustrating how I have no way to stay in contact with some of them.